Lose as Much Weight as Possible by Following These Rules

What could increase your focus and confidence, give you a good night’s sleep, get your digestive and immune system on track, and above all, prevent many illnesses and morbid disorders – yes, you guessed it right, weight loss! When you lose weight, you feel things are in better control with improved energy levels. However, it’s easier said than done when there are so many roadblocks in your path. In this post, we would list down some rules that could help you lose as much as weight as possible. But first let’s find out the factors that can stand between you and your goal weight:

Factors that Prevent you from Losing Weight:

1. Hormonal disorders such as PCOD, thyroid: Yes, hormonal and metabolic disorders can prevent you from losing weight. Before you set on your weight loss journey, it’s important to get your hormones on track with the help of a doctor.

2. Irregular sleep pattern: All said and done, everyone needs to get their 8 hours of beauty sleep. Not getting enough sleep can destroy your weight loss goals by slowing down your metabolism and preventing the body from burning calories.

3. Wrong dietary choice: Indulging in high-calorie food and refined carbs can make you weight gain instead of losing some.

4. Eating junk/fast food: Junk/fast food comes loaded with high sodium and oil content which get stored in the body as fat, particularly around the abdominal area. Excess salt can increase water retention leading to bloating and puffiness as well.

5. Sluggish metabolism: When your metabolism is slow, only a lower amount of calories is burnt even when you have active lifestyle, resulting in weight gain instead of weight loss.

6. Sedentary lifestyle: Spending most of your day on the couch or before the laptop/computer, without any doubt, can lead to weight gain.

7. Insulin Resistance: Insulin is a fat-storing hormone which is instrumental in creating new fat cells. When body cells become insulin resistant, your body easily stores extra calories as fat.

8. Vitamin D deficiency: Unknown to many, deficiency in vitamin D can lead to weight gain. Increased fatigue, muscle weakness, and lack of sleep are signs of vitamin D deficiency.

Lose as Much Weight as Possible by Following These 20 Rules:

So, let’s now get straight to what you can actually do to lose as much weight as you want; just remember to follow these rules diligently and religiously.

1. Stick to Low GI (Glycemic Index) Food Items: As we have mentioned previously, insulin resistance is a major factor why a majority of women fail to lose weight. Eating foods with high glycemic index can cause insulin spikes which leads to storing of extra calories as fat in the body. Pick foods with low glycemic index (less than 55) to lose weight effectively. Some examples of low GI foods are apple, chickpeas, lentils, soy beans, brown rice, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, onion, radish, spinach, sweet potato, yam, etc.

2. Go Low on Salt/Sodium:  Salt has quite a bad name in weight loss circles because high levels of sodium is often linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease, and increase in weight gain. However, more than white salt in home-cooked food, most people are unaware that they get high sodium intake in the form of processed and junk food. If you want to lose any weight at all, go low on salt and sodium levels.

3. No frequent snacking: Insulin, which is a fat-storing hormone too, tells the body cells to store fat and also prevents breakdown of fat. Frequent snacking raises insulin levels in the body and too many insulin spikes through the day will result in creation of new fat cells. Restrict snacking to just twice a day, without indulging in high-calorie food. Opt for healthy snacks like apple and nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or even peanuts.

4. Follow the correct diet and eating routine: Eating less is not always the right way to lose weight, you need to follow diet routine to effectively lose weight. Follow Rati Beauty diet programs which teach you what to eat and when to eat, and above all, to lose weight the healthy way.

5. Lift Weight to Lose Weight: There’s no use running on the treadmill for hours together if you are not lifting weights. The best way to lose weight is by combining cardio with lifting weights and also HIIT (high intensity interval training) exercises such as jumping jacks, crunches, squats, push ups, burpees, lunges, plank, etc).

6. Get enough sleep: Get enough sleep during the night because spending too much time on the phone at night, Netflix binge, etc., can disturb your sleep pattern leading to slow metabolism, increase in hunger hormone (ghrelin), decrease in fullness hormone (leptin), increased cortisol level leading to fat storage, and decreased insulin sensitivity. Follow a strict sleep schedule, avoid using phone late into the night, and finish your last meal before 7 pm to get better sleep.

7. Maintain a Food Journal/Diary: It’s one of the best decisions that you can make to effectively lose weight. Maintain a food diary and jot down every food item that you have taken that day. Count the calories and get rid of anything which is high calorie, high sodium, and low in nutrient value.

8. Drink Enough Water through the day: We cannot stress enough how water can do amazing things for your body, including aiding in weight loss. Keep your body hydrated to boost sluggish metabolism and also to get rid of weight retention and bloating.

9. Include Healthy Fats in your diet: Don’t be scared of eating “fats,” but just make sure you are consuming healthy fats to burn fat stored in the body. Healthy fat will keep your appetite in check and avoid frequent snacking. Healthy fats also help build muscle faster and also prevents nutrient loss during the cooking process, which means your body gets more essential nutrients that are not lost during the cooking process. Ghee, coconut oil, nuts are some amazing examples of healthy fats.

10. Eat Metabolism-Boosting Foods: In the end, what matters the most in weight loss, is a healthy metabolism. A high metabolism will help in quick burning of calories through the day. Almonds, green tea, green vegetables, whole grains are some examples of metabolism-boosting foods. Here are 9 Ways to Speed Metabolism to Lose Weight.

11. Eat high-protein food: Protein in the diet increases the levels of the satiety hormones in the body, also reduces appetite, thereby also reducing the hunger hormone. In order to lose weight fast, you need to consume more protein and less of carbohydrates and fats.

12. Keep one cheat meal a week: You are allowed to cheat once a week from healthy eating. Just remember to get back to healthy eating after that. A cheat meal (not cheat day) will not only help you to satisfy all your cravings, it will also help to kickstart your metabolism back again if it has become low.

13. Check out all white refined items from your diet: Absolutely refrain from “white” from your diet – that means no refined sugar, white salt, white flour, etc.

14. Bring in more fiber: A high-fiber rich diet is great for digestion and weight loss. Fiber helps you to keep fuller for longer, lowers cholesterol, and controls sharp spike in insulin levels. Here are some high-fiber items that you can include in your diet.

15. Say no to artificial sweeteners: You are wrong if you think artificial sweeteners will lead to weight loss because some studies have linked artificial sweeteners to weight gain and even metabolic disorders. Instead of artificial sweeteners, here’s a list of healthy replacements for refined sugar.

8 Best Healthy Replacements for Refined Sugar
Top 45 Foods To Suppress Appetite and Reduce Hunger
How High Protein Diet Can Help you Lose Weight
Grocery List For Those Who Want To Lose Weight


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