How To Determine Your True Skin Type

This is not a Facebook app quiz that will virtually identify your skin type through a series of questions. No. This is a post that will help you understand the different types of skin people have and aid you to identify your type yourself. Useful isn’t it? So, let’s get started:

How To Determine Your True Skin Type

It’s a vain world and everybody wants to look “beautiful.” What was earlier described as a women’s interest that was almost considered a ‘responsibility’, has now transited to men as well. That’s because everybody wants to take care of themselves as looking good is no longer limited to a social norm, but important for work as well. Also, there is the obsession with wanting fairer skin.  While beauty is skin deep and we aren’t promising to adhere to society’s standards, what we are promising is to help you be you’re most good looking self by taking baby steps to understand your skin and how to optimize it to its healthiest best.  Why? Because your entire routine, right from your choice of face wash, your lotion or any face product you buy depends on it!  If one isn’t using skin appropriate products, they will be diminishing the glow on their face or perhaps leading themselves to unnecessary acne. But how does one identify ones skin type? We’ve noticed that very often, people don’t know what it is. So let’s go through the different skin types to help you identify yours:

1.  Oily Skin:

How does your skin feel when you wake up in the morning?  Does it have a layer of oil on the nose or forehead? Does your pillow turn dark? Do you have open pores? Do you have acne? If yes, then you have oily skin. Oily skin can be caused by a number of reasons; most commonly by hormones and diet.

How To Determine Your True Skin Type cream

2.  Dry Skin:

How does your skin feel when you wake up in the morning? Does it feel stretchy and itchy? Do you get a layer of white sheet on the surface? This isn’t a healthy white; it’s actually similar to getting dandruff. It also means you have dry skin.

3.  Normal Skin:

If you neither have excess shine on your face nor the stretched feeling, but have an even tone and closed pores, then you are blessed with normal skin.

How To Determine Your True Skin Type makeup removal

4.  Combination Skin:

This is also known as the T-Zone. You may have oily skin in the centre of your face while your cheeks will feel dry or maybe normal. T-Zone is oiliness in the centre of the forehead, bridge of the nose and chin.

5.  Sensitive Skin:

You could have any of the above types of skin along with it being sensitive. This could be due to sunlight, certain products, food items, touch etc. A big reason why people aren’t looking their best is because they follow the same facial routine as their parents, or perhaps the ‘family beauty secrets’ without considering if it suits them or not. Each person has a different skin type, therefore the same products and beauty regimes may not apply to all. Now that you have identified your skin type, we will next cover “How to care for your skin” in the next post.

Stay tuned!

About Neelam Kamall:

Neelam Kamall started her career in makeup in 2008 when she opened her Salon and Makeup Studio called Pretty Woman. Having learnt makeup with Gouri Kapoor, MakeUp Studio, and Tamanna Roashan from LA, Neelam had a chance to practice her craft internationally. She has certifications in skin, and hair as well and is a Grooming Expert with various corporate companies and colleges. She teaches makeup to individuals, as well as in academies. For customized looks, attend her 1 day self-grooming sessions. Do like her page on Facebook, Neil’s Salon Solutions and follow her on Instagram for more tips on makeup, skin and hair. You can write to her at


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