How to Get Rid of Frown and Laugh Lines?

Wrinkles are a part and parcel of the ageing process. But, thanks to the hectic lifestyles and stress people have started seeing the signs of ageing at an early age.


Apart from the various cosmetic procedures and anti ageing products available to treat wrinkles, there are various ways to combat the signs of ageing at the comforts of our home.

Exercises to get rid of frown and laugh lines:

• Play the trumpet: Take a deep breath through your mouth and hold the air in your mouth as if you were about to play the trumpet. Try holding on to this pose for 30-60 seconds. Breathe out through your nose. Laugh lines and saggy cheeks are tackled with this pose.
• Place index fingers of both hands above the skin of inside corner of both eyebrows and press lightly. Now pull eyebrows tightly together as if you are frowning. If your fingers are placed correctly they will prevent formation of vertical folds and create resistance needed for exercise.


• Place your fingertips over your laugh lines and apply firm pressure. Smile as widely as you can with your lips separated. Hold this position for about five seconds and then relax. Try to do 30 repetitions. Smiling under resistance will strengthen the cheek muscles and minimizing the laugh lines around your mouth.
• Pucker your lips and try to lift them upward toward the tip of your nose. Hold this position for about five seconds and then release. Repeat it 5 to 10 times several times a day for toned mouth muscles.

Tips to get rid of frown and laugh lines:

• Papaya not only helps in whitening your skin but also helps you to remove the lines on your face as it contains enzymes in it.
• To add firmness in your skin you may apply a mixture of banana and honey over your face. This will also make your skin to glow.
• Mix turmeric with sugarcane juice and apply this paste on skin for few minutes.


• Don’t over wash your face as it will strip the skin of the natural oils and will lead to the appearance of fine line.
• Avoid smoking at it reduces the blood supply in the skin which in turn causes wrinkles.
• Eat a balanced diet and drink a lot of water daily.
• Use moisturizer and never ever forget to put on a sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. Apply a collagen-building serum that contains retinoids or peptides to the skin around your mouth every day.
• Use a fine-grained or alpha hydroxy acid-based exfoliating scrub around your mouth to refresh your skin and make fine lines less noticeable. These exercises and tips will surely help you to get rid of wrinkles, lines and sagging skin.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

Also read:
Facial Exercises for Removing Wrinkles
Aging and Anti Aging
Anti Aging Homemade Face Pack
Facial Exercises for Double Chin


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