Tips and Exercises That Are Easy on the Knee

Tips and Exercises That Are Easy on the Knee

Knee pain is one of the most common problem faced by millions of people in their day to day life across the globe today. If you too suffer from this problem then just don’t sit in your house and crib about your condition rather make a move and stay active outdoors with low-impact exercises.


Stiff and rarely exercised knees are easily injured, so it is even more important to provide flexibility to your knees if you want to reduce the chances or deal with knee pain. Mentioned below are few exercises which will help you stay active to maintain your fitness while protecting your joints.

Exercises That Are Easy on the Knee:

• Walking: Choose areas that are paved to walk on to avoid rolling your ankles and putting stress on your knee joints. With walking, you control your pace, and you can take as many breaks as you require to keep your knee pain or discomfort in check.

• Swimming: It offers the opportunity of a low-impact workout that is forgiving on your knees. Water jogging and water aerobics are two other aquatic activities that are easy on the knee as the water lessen any impact that normal aerobic activities would put on your body and cut down the pressure on your knees.


• Cycling: The fluid motion of the pedals is easy on your knees. You can ride anywhere that there is a path, but you should avoid mountain biking through unpaved areas.

Some other tips to prevent/cure knee pain

• Take steam baths on a regular basis to ease the knee pains caused by Arthritis.

• Manage your weight if you want to reduce the chances of knee pain. There’s an inverse relationship between body weight and quadriceps muscle strength: the higher your body weight, the weaker your knee muscles.

• Wear comfortable shoes and avoid wearing heels as it encourages tight calf muscles, another common cause of knee pain. Also, avoid wearing a shoe with poor cushioning support for your arches and joints.

• Avoid lifting heavy objects in abnormal postures as disproportionate weight distribution can bring about knee joint injuries.

• Application of ice and cold compresses is one of the most popular and effective home remedy for knee pain.


• Avoid running or exercising on unequal surfaces making use of properly laid down tracks or flat surfaces in performing such physical exercises.

• Do sufficient warm up prior to involving on exhausting workout or physical activities. After completing the work warming down exercises should also be performed to lower the chances of injury.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

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One thought on “Tips and Exercises That Are Easy on the Knee

  1. Nice article Era! There’s an inverse relationship between body weight and quadriceps muscle strength: the higher your body weight, the weaker your knee muscles. Very true!
    *haan ji*

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