10 Best Foods for Your Hair, Skin and Nails

I have been obsessed with limiting my hair fall these days.My nails sometimes grow so long and beautiful and my skin has a suppleness to it often, other days.. it is dull, and what not.I have noticed certain supplements like folic acid etc and foods like walnuts, almonds, cucumber, fluid intake influence skin,hair and nails in like a week’s time.It is of course a direct result of some foods.Supplements would help your skin hair and nails and fresh veggies and fruits too, in a big helping would work their magic.But why not delve into some specific foods that would give a bounce to your hair, a shine to your skin and strength to your nails!Here are the top ten foods for your hair, skin and nails:


Nuts Nuts are full of zinc which are much needed for hair, and to repair skin tissue. almonds for that matter are great for skin as they are full of anti-oxidants. Mix up your favorite nuts like almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and pecans and do not complete your day without this helping!

Lemon Water I speak this from personal experience! Lemon water (could add a dash of honey) helps to clear acne, adds a shine to the skin and keeps tummy light. Warm lemon water helps keep your skin clear by flushing out toxins. start your day with two glasses of lemon water, add as much or as little as you like.

Cucumber Off late I noticed cucumber not only helps me feel fuller for longer, but apart from the amazing negative calories it has and the eye-cooling properties, cucumber makes for an amazing fluid intake and a light snack for you. Hydrate your skin and keep wrinkles are bay with upping your cucumber intake.

Eggs Eggs have a high content of biotin and sulphur, the holy grail food for your hair and nails. I am not a fan but I make sure I eat two egg whites on my cardio days in the week. Eggs are a must for your skin, hair and nails.

Salmon Omega-3 fatty acids are important for our hair, skin and nails. Omega 3 helps reduce inflammation of skin and promotes keratin which you know by now is key to hair, nail health.Salmon is the best option for adding rich Omega 3 to your diet.

Lentils Your humble dal is full of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, apart from being a vegetarian’s best friend. Also add soya beans and Rajma to your diet to get the best for skin and hair and nails.

Deficiency of vitamin C in your diet is also a cause for hair fall.Apart from the kick of potent lemon water, you must add tomatoes to your diet for skin benefits and upping vitamin C to your diet. A nice brown bread toast topped with tomato and cucumber, makes for a great start to your day. Kiwis, strawberry and blueberries would do the trick too if you are not much into tomatoes.

The iron, beta carotene, and vitamin C in spinach helps keep hair follicles healthy. Dark, leafy vegetables such as broccoli are also a good substitute.


Chia seeds:
Chia seeds are a rich resource of omega-3 fatty acids. They keep you full for longer and help build lean muscle mass. Relatively new in terms of popularity,this could be a fantastic source of Omega 3 for vegetarians.

Sea vegetables:
Seaweed, arame and kombu are the secret to the flawless Japanese skin.Full of anti-oxidants, you could have it roasted and it makes for a healthy filling snack too.

Needless to say, there are a bunch of other foods which are amazing too, I have jotted down the easily available and potent ones which you would have less trouble adding to your diet. Of course sea weed, I am yet to find and add it in my diet in some way 🙂

Top 10 Skin, Hair, and Beauty Myths
Glowing Skin Home Remedies
Vitamin Supplements for Hair and Skin


10 thoughts on “10 Best Foods for Your Hair, Skin and Nails

  1. Very informative. good read.
    i have the same question about chia seeds… means? — *scared* flexseeds or what ?

    1. Hy archna,chia seeds nd flax seeds both r different i dnt know about hindi bt in urdu chia seeds called “tukhm malanga” which we usually found in summer dessert falooda nd flax seeds called “ILSI” *haan ji*

  2. Worth reading, sharing n implementing post neha.. *jai ho* *jai ho* *thankyou* *thankyou* for this treasure of beauty health and fitness at one go.. gud job.. *clap* *clap*

  3. @mona – thank you mona . *thankyou*

    Ohhh that sticky sticky seeds in faluda are chia seeds.. ! *hihi* *hihi* never knew this. *shock*

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