10 Tiny Tweaks that’ll Help You Lose Weight Faster

By Chanchala Bose

Hi IMBBians,

We all know that losing weight is not an easy task. But it’s not an impossible task either. I am sure all of you might have heard of dozens of exercises and diets that can help you achieve that envious figure. You know, the kind of figure that our very own IMBB queen Rati possesses. 😉 But here, I would like to share some tiny changes that can help you lose weight faster so that you can achieve the body of your dreams quicker.


1. Pen down

Did you know that maintaining a diary will help you lose weight? Yes, it is scientifically proven that if you maintain a diary for 6 months then you can lose at least 13 pounds easily. The diary helps you keep track of what you eat and how well you move your body. It is an excellent motivator.

2. Subscribe subscribe

When you sign up for a number of newsletters and blog subscriptions then you stay updated about all fitness and healthy life measures. So, start subscribing to all the health, lifestyle and fitness blogs so that you can get the best tips and hacks to stay fit.

3. Lift weights


You should start weight training as soon as you hit the gym. You can also begin by lifting regular heavy objects like shopping bags, regular household items, carton boxes, books etc for a quick warm up and to burn extra calories throughout the day.

4. 1-mile rule

In western countries, if the distance required to be travelled is less than a mile then people walk. Because, of course, driving increases your obesity and is expensive. So, it’s better to walk. It will not only save fuel but also reduce your fat in the long run.

5. 10 times trick

If you have your favourite food on the table then eat it slowly. Chew slowly at least 10 times and then take the next small bite. Don’t focus on the speed while eating; try to think about the texture, taste and then swallow your food. If you want to go for the second bite then repeat the same process but this time you need to chew the food 20 times. Follow this process and you’ll start getting satiated with what you eat sooner.

6. Eat fruits in solid form rather than liquid form


There is more healthy fibre in whole fruits than in juices. The science behind this theory is that when you chew a fruit, it generates more saliva, and thus your brain gets a message in order to fasten the digestion process.

7. Use the ad time

If you generally keep sitting or lying down on the couch, waiting for the serial to begin, start utilising that time. What you can do in the meantime is try some really easy and simple exercises. This will be the best utilisation of your time and you won’t get bored either.

8. Don’t drink while standing

This is a bizarre yet true and scientifically proven fact. Alcohol adds up to your fats and calories. When you take your drinks while standing, you end up taking more than required. Thus, you end up piling on excess calories.

9. Say yes to Greek yogurt


Not all yogurts are made equal. So, Greek yogurt is the best for your health. It contains high amounts of proteins and is quite tasty too. A win-win, right?

10. Prefer spicy mustard sauce over mayo

This is not at all about taste, to be honest. It’s about a simple logic that spices help you burn more calories. Thus spicy mustard will help you lose fats quicker than mayo.

Aren’t all these tips very simple and easy to follow? So, try to follow these and see the difference yourself. Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below. 🙂

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