My 11 KG PCOD Weight Loss Journey with Rati Beauty Diet Program

Hey everyone, I am Alka. You might have seen a few makeup and skincare reviews from me on IMBB and the Rati Beauty app. I am also a full-time PhD student living independently outside India. I mentioned it because I have been getting a lot of questions about the “doability” of these diet plans. So, let’s move onto my weight loss journey.

Alka weight

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I have always had a very good relationship with food, I enjoy cooking and also having people over for dinners. I didn’t care much about whatever I ate as long as it was really tasty. At the same time, I loved taking care of myself, whether it was exercise, skincare or my mental health. However, when I look back, I didn’t applying these principles of self care to my diet and that completely changed when my gynaecologist said I had PCOD. By the way, don’t take your irregular cycles or reproductive health lightly. Undiagnosed PCOD can go to extreme cases of diabetes, endometrial cancer, infertility, mental health problems and all other kinds of problems which can severely deteriorate your quality of life. Anyway, my gynaecologist scanned me from “head to toe” and told me, “you need to lose weight.” And one of the first things she mentioned was that I don’t have a great family medical history on both the sides. So for me, it was a go or no-go decision.

So, I cut out added sugar and deep-fried food items from my diet and started going to the gym. Started doing heavy cardio and weights for a few months, lost a couple of kilos. I was also taking my medication all this time which is really important with PCOD. After the few initial months of gym, my weight plateaued. Meanwhile, Rati had already started her weight loss journey and was posting all these diet plans which I was really skeptical about. I was skeptical because I was worried about being hungry all the time.

Nutritionally, I was convinced this was the best for my body. I started the diet plans but the first few days were tough. It was mostly difficult because I am a student and student parties in Europe mean – alcohol everywhere and barely any food. I never drank in the first place but when you’re outside and having fun, you’re bound to eat and drink things out of peer pressure. So, I used to sit with my glass of water, bowls of cucumber, carrots and tomatoes during these get-togethers and parties. People around me were stumped first, laughed later and then started joking about how they could never do it. I meal prepped everything, measured everything, packed it in Tupperware every night before and rushed out to work in the morning. I had a section in the work fridge for my veggies. I bought the scales, the watch and measured myself daily. I lost 1.5 kilos in the first seven days. I never looked back since then.

Then my friend and colleague – Parichita started noticing how I was eating, and also my tupperware and joined the diet plans on the app; she also has her set of hormonal problems. I must say, it really helps a lot to have someone doing it with you. There were days when I couldn’t manage my food – she used to measure it and bring it for me. She knew how crucial each macro and micro was for us. We also planned together how to eat when we had office parties. Our conservations were all about eating well. My mom was constantly worried about me fainting somewhere, but I never did! I also started doing better at the gym with pilates and bootcamp. I started enjoying working out. There were horrible days of water retention and weight plateau during periods which were only temporary. I lost 11 kgs within 3 months and 5 inches from the waist were just gone!

Everyone started noticing my loose clothes and asking me what I was doing. For my “after” picture, I am wearing the oldest tight clothes I could find in my wardrobe and you can clearly see, even then my pants look loose. This was not just a weight loss journey for me. It was really difficult in the beginning. I had to make a lot of small decisions and sacrifices throughout this journey which have helped me come here.

In the end, I developed a much better relationship with myself. I still love food and the diet plans helped me discover a lot of things which I love eating. I enjoy food now, not just for eating but also for the nutrition that it provides for my body. My muscle mass has gone up, and fat has come down. This is how slow and steady progress works, there are no shortcuts.

In the end, I would just like to say that your motivation for weight loss has to come from a much deeper place of self care. Nobody else can take care of you, except yourself. Fitting back into old clothes is nice, but looking at yourself everyday, and feeling amazing is something more permanent and special. You will thank yourself for doing this and of course, you will thank Rati and Sanjeev sir.


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