9 Things You Can Relate to if You Are a Tall Girl

Hello friends!
Switching to a new work place is more like shifting to a new house, because in both cases you just get stuck in an attempt to adjust to new things. Let’s move on to our today’s post. If you think that being tall is a boon and girls with great height always have an upper hand over girls with average or short heights, this post will certainly prove you wrong. Just like every other person, even tall girls have some problems. If you are a tall girl, you will easily relate!

9 Things You Can Relate to if You Are a Tall Girl

1. Your age is often talked about

It happens during your school days when you are misunderstood about your actual age. People think that you are older than your fellows or you are repeating the batch/session (read flunked!). Though, it is not a very unpleasant experience but sometimes, it is annoying.

2. You get frequent comments on your height

“How are you so long?” “What’s your height?” Every person knows about your height. But people, why don’t you take the help of Google or study genetics?

3. People think that you are into sports

Most of the times, tall girls are asked about their interest in sports. I do not understand how some people connect sports with height. People think that monkey bar hanging was your favourite childhood play!

4. Buying an outfit is a headache

It happens with tall girls, when they go for shopping. Sometimes, they find it difficult to pick suitable apparel with exact fitting. Knee-length skirts are like minis and sometimes they can’t figure out whether it’s a top or a dress!

5. You are told to avoid high heels

high heels
Girls are very fond of high heels but tall girls hesitate while wearing high heels. Apart from that apparent hesitation, some people can’t stop suggesting them to avoid high heels. But is it really fair that we recommend tall girls to stay away from high heels and deprive them of the ultimate grace?

6. Finding a comfortable piece of furniture is another story

If you are too tall, you know what I am talking about. Office desks won’t allow you to sit cross-legged, movie theatre seats will make you stand every time someone wants to pass and public buses, what to say!

7. You are the odd one out in pictures

tall girl
It gets awkward when in a group picture you find your head much higher than others’! It gets all the more difficult while clicking a girl gang selfie. Thank God selfie sticks exist!

8. You are the helping hand…literally!

People ask you often to reach things which are kept at higher places like roof loft while doing house chores.

9. Standing with short people adds inches

tall girl short guy
You may sometimes feel towering over an average height person. It gets more awkward if that person is your crush!

Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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