How Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight

By Jyoti Dubey

Green tea is one of the least processed teas in the market and that is why it is considered as one of the healthiest beverages for the health-conscious people. It is rich in antioxidants which accelerates the metabolism of the body and thus helps in burning fat. Green tea does help in losing weight but drinking green tea alone is not going to reduce your weight if your diet contains a lot of junk food. Therefore along with having green tea, you need to exercise regularly and have a nutritious diet in order to lose weight.

How Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight (1)

The caffeine content of green tea helps in burning fat and also decreases your body’s muscle consumption of glycogen, which forces you to use fat reserves as energy, thus aiding weight loss. As green tea does not contain as much caffeine as coffee does, it does not cause the jittery effects which is caused by too much coffee consumption.
Now, how much weight can a person lose by drinking green tea differs from person to person depending on various factors like the body’s natural metabolism rate, the amount of calorie intake of the person, daily physical activities, lifestyle, etc., One study has shown that people consuming green tea can burn up to 100 more calories in a day than people who do not consume it at all, this is because green tea is rich in antioxidants which speeds up the body’s metabolism and helps you in burning more calories.

Matcha green tea is considered better for weight loss than the rest of the varieties available. This is because the entire leaf is consumed as opposed to the other types of green tea where the leaves are steeped and then consumed. Also, Matcha green tea has much more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea.

Apart from all the weight loss benefits that green tea has, it also helps in preventing many diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, etc. On the basis of many studies, it was also observed that green tea helps in reducing the risk of various types of cancer such as breast, prostate, ovarian, skin and stomach cancer. Research has found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) present in green tea can suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory chemicals produced in the body and also helps in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels which are all the major risk factors for heart disease. So, even if your aim is not losing weight, you still have plenty of reasons to start drinking green tea.

Green tea can help in speeding up the process of weight loss but green tea alone cannot help you in reducing weight if you do not take into consideration your diet and workout. That is why you need to keep in mind that green tea cannot replace your workout and healthy diet. Instead, a healthy diet and daily physical activity combined with 2-3 cups of green tea can help you shed those extra pounds rapidly.


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