12 Reasons Why You Feel Tired All The Time And Their Solutions

Hi everyone,

In this post, I’m going to talk about something that all of us are likely to have experienced at some or the other point in our lives—that feeling of being tired all the time and not quite knowing why. There could be many reasons for this, and I will go over all of them in this post. If you have been feeling tired all the time, one or more of these reasons could be responsible for it. Let’s take a look at what these reasons are, and the solutions for the problems at hand.

Reasons Why You Feel

1. Dehydration: One of the most common reasons for unexplained fatigue is dehydration. Most of us are guilty of not drinking enough water during the day. Solution: Cut out the sweetened, carbonated and caffeinated beverages, and opt for plain water, coconut water and fresh juices.

2. Nutrient or vitamin deficiency: Vitamin deficiencies like those of Vitamin B12 or Vitamin D3 can often be the reason for prolonged fatigue. Solution: Eat a well-balanced diet that includes foods from every nutrient group, and make sure to include vitamin supplements if required.

3. Gluten intolerance: There is growing evidence to indicate that a lot of people are intolerant to gluten, which is present in wheat. Solution: Get yourself tested for gluten intolerance, and replace things in your diet like roti and bread with other gluten-free cereals like ragi, bajra and rice.

4. Low haemoglobin level: A low haemoglobin level (which is more common than we would like to believe) can often be the reason for feeling tired all the time. Solution: Get your haemoglobin level tested and make sure to include in your diet lots of foods that are rich in iron, such as spinach.

5. Underactive thyroid: An underactive thyroid will often bring your energy levels down. Solution: If you have eliminated the aforementioned reasons, then get your thyroid levels tested and ask your doctor for a prescription to regulate the same.

6. Undiagnosed medical condition: Although this is rare, prolonged fatigue could be the result of an underlying and undiagnosed medical condition. Solution: A full body checkup is recommended to identify and eliminate any medical complications.

7. Irregular or poor quality sleep: Low-quality sleep is a very big reason for feeling tired all the time. Solution: Make sure to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every minimum. Regulate your bedtime and time to wake up. Reduce screen time by an hour or two before going to bed. Create an atmosphere that allows you to sleep comfortably and uninterrupted all night.

Woman sleeping

8. Too much screen time: Being exposed to the blue light emitted by screens can cause a lot of damage to our mental well being and can affect our quality of sleep. One of its direct effects is tiredness. Solution: It’s simple. Regulate your screen time and limit the number of hours you spend on your phone, TV and laptop. Engage in other outdoor activities or hobbies that you enjoy.

9. Lack of physical exercise: Leading a sedentary lifestyle is a big reason for feeling tired all the time. Moreover, it has several damaging effects on our health and well being. Solution: Make sure to get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise every single day.

10. Social media overdose: Spending too much time on Instagram and Facebook? The ways in which our mind processes the lives of others can have a dampening effect on our psyche, leading us to feeling tired and unmotivated. Solution: Make sure to limit the time you spend on social media and most definitely unfollow the accounts that get you down in life.

Multitasking woman

11. Excessive multitasking: If you are trying to talk on the phone, reply to an email, cook a meal and watch a show all at the same time, all the time, then you’re sure to feeling mentally and physically tired. Solution: Practice mindfulness and focus on one task at a time. Making to-do lists will also help you plan your day better.

12. Negative mindset: A negative mindset can have a direct impact on your health as well as how you feel during the course of the day. Solution: Nurture a positive attitude towards life. Meditating for only as long as 10 minutes a day and maintaining a gratitude journal can help you tremendously.

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