Health Benefits of Artichoke

Health Benefits of Artichoke

Hey beauties, let me introduce you all (incase u already dont know) to Artichoke… a good friend of mine.

artichoke health benefits

To begin with, here is some information about the plant:
The artichoke plant originated in Southern Europe around the Mediterranean region. You can now find artichokes in countries like USA, France, Italy, Spain, and China. I am not aware if we get it in India though.
In full growth, the plant spreads to cover an area about six feet in diameter and reaches a height of 3-4 feet. Its long, deeply serrated leaves give the plant a fern-like appearance. The “vegetable” that we eat is actually the plant’s flower bud.

artichoke flower

So how is Artichoke beneficial to our health?
We all know how important antioxidants are for us. Some of the powerful antioxidants in artichokes are quercertin, rutin, anthocyanins, cynarin, luteolin, and silymarin. It’s a blessing for the skin!
One medium sized artichoke is a good source of vitamin C, folate and potassium. It’s low in sodium, fat-free and a dieter’s delight at only 25 calories.
Artichoke reduces cell proliferation in many different forms of cancer, including prostate cancer, leukemia, and breast cancer. Artichokes are very beneficial to the liver and digestive system. Thanks to their positive effects on the liver, many people swear by artichokes as a hangover treatment. 😛
One large artichoke contains a quarter of the recommended daily intake of fiber. All in all, it’s not only awesome for the skin but also for overall health.

artichoke preparation

Moreover, it’s YUMMY!!
Spinach and artichoke dip with tortilla chips is my all-time favorite! Artichokes can also be made into herbal tea. Generally they are steamed, boiled, grilled or roasted.
So next time, when a friend/relative comes over from US, France etc., make sure to ask them to get an artichoke. Do try it… you’ll love it!!

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9 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Artichoke

  1. yummy i love artichoke on my pizza 🙂 and i love spinach artichoke dip from olive garden in the usa ..I’m hungry now!!!

    Thanx for sharing the health benefits 🙂

  2. We get ’em in abundance & called Alchacofra…& eat in restaurants..but never tried at home..!! After reading your informative review..sounds worth giving a try.. :yes:

  3. Thanks everyone… Glad u all liked it 🙂
    I moved to US few months back… So i’m out exploring all healthy stuff here… n i really feel like sharing it with ppl back home… We might be getting most of the stuff in India too… but we are just not aware of the health benefits… Most of us are stuck to potatoes n paneer 😉

    More healthy articles to follow soon :)… Stay tuned!!

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