How To Get Rid of Acne Caused Due To Sweating: Ask IMBB

Ask IMBB Gang

Preeti M. asks:


I have been following IMBB for a few months and trust me, I have benefited so well in judging and buying products.
Thanks to IMBB for this. I have couple of questions:

Can anyone do a post of eye make up brushes, probably MAC VS Sigma it would be really grateful. Also, can someone help me with DIY for sensitive and acne-prone skin. When I go gymming, I develop a lot of acne, can anyone suggest me how to get rid of these acne caused due to sweating.

How to Lighten/ Fade Acne Marks
My Struggle With Acne and Products That Worked
VLCC Acne Control Clove Massage Gel
Nature’s Essence Acne Magic Powder Face Pack
Neutrogena Oil – Free Acne Wash Redness Soothing Cleanser
Aroma Magic Calamine Face Pack Acne Skin


3 thoughts on “How To Get Rid of Acne Caused Due To Sweating: Ask IMBB

  1. You may not be getting acne because of the sweat but because of touching your face constantly and especially at the gym. Gym machines are a hub of bacteria. SO the first thing is that you stop touching your face during your gym hours. And definitley clean your phone with alcohol or a brush cleaner atleast once in 2-3 days. also always wash your afce post gym.

    You can check posts on Sigma brushes HERE :

  2. Rati is right, it might be the gym equipment that you are touching and then carrying them all the way to your face. Remember not to wipe your face too often with your hands while exercising. Also, after the gym, use hand sanitizer and shower so you get rid of all the bacteria. Otherwise, follow CTM routine – Clinique’s three step kit is a good option.

  3. Also, if you use hand towel to pat sweat in the gym, dont leave it on any equipment while working out… It might pick up the bacteria from there and deposit on your face when u use it…

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