How to Remove Age Spots

At time I just loose all hopes to have a problem free skin. Blemishes, wrinkles, acne, freckles, dark spots and now let’s face age spots (as if wrinkles were not enough). The list seems endless.

age spots

The term ‘age spots’, refers to the brownish spots that, over time appear on your face and body. Age spots are very common in adults (over the age of 40), but they can affect youngsters too.

Age spots are caused due to the excessive production of melanin in our skin, which is due to the over exposure of the sun. Though in the initial stages they are of no threat, but in the advance stage they can lead to the danger of skin cancer.

Cosmetic Treatments:

Cosmetic treatments to remove age spots include:

• Chemical Peel: As the name suggest this procedure requires a chemical solution to remove the upper layer of the skin through gentle exfoliation which in turn improve the texture of the skin. Sun protection is strongly advised following this treatment. Temporary irritation is likely, and there’s a slight risk of discoloration.

• Dermabrasion: In dermabrasion the top layer of the skin is scrapped away using an electrically operated device. After the treatment the skin is smoother and more radiant. The side effects of dermabrasion include scarring and permanent change in skin colour.

age spots

• Cryotherapy (Freezing): This procedure involves applying liquid nitrogen or any another freezing agent on the age spots directly. It helps in destroying the extra pigments. This treatment is typically used on a single age spot or a small grouping of age spots. The treatment may temporarily irritate the skin and poses a slight risk of blister formation, bleeding, hypopigmentation or scarring. Cryotherapy is often used to remove cancerous skin cells.

• Laser Treatment: In this treatment the melanin-producing cells, also called melanocytes, are removed without damaging the skin’s surface. In this treatment a light beam is passed through the skin, which is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment.  There is a lesser problem with hypopigmentation i.e. lightening of the skin.

Natural Remedies to treat Age Spots:

These may not show immediate results but will definitely have some benefits in long run.

• Rub fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the spots. Leave it for atleast 45 minutes. Repeat this procedure twice daily.
• Apply lemon juice on the affected areas. Lemon juice is very beneficial for treating age spots as it can bleach the dark spots on skin.

age spots
• Apply buttermilk on age spots with the help of cotton ball. Wash your face after some time with normal water.
• Slice a red onion in half and rub on the spots twice daily. Continue until the spots fade.
• Mix together 2 tsp of tomato juice with 4 tbsp buttermilk. Apply it on face and leave it for ½ an hour. Wash your face as usual.
• Apply castor oil on the spots twice a day. Leave for some time and then wash your face as usual.
• Mix together 1 tsp of apple cinder vinegar with 1 tsp of orange juice. Apply it on spots and let it stay for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face as usual.
• Apply vitamin E cream on the affected area. You may also take vitamin E supplements.
• Avoid sun as far as possible or atleast use a sunscreen before going out.

Which one of these tips you liked the most?

Image source: 1, 2, 3

Also read:

How to Reduce Facial Wrinkles
How to Cure Freckles
Acne: Types, Causes and Cure
How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
Fab India Vitamin E De Pigmentation Cream Review
Homemade Facial Peel for Skin
Glycolic Acid Peel for Acne
Facial Exercises for Removing Wrinkles


8 thoughts on “How to Remove Age Spots

  1. Tomato & buttermilk really works :waytogo: :waytogo: :waytogo: but is it ok to use apple cider vinegar daily ?:) ?:) ?:) Doesn’t it make the skin sensitive?

    1. you can use lemon instead and if you have very sensitive skin, I suggest that you dont use it at all. One of my friend cannot use lemon on her skin at all. She gets rashes. So suit yourself. 🙂

      1. I don’t have sensitive skin! so daily use of lemon is ok? because my skin becomes dull very quickly so i thought of using lemon juice with some rose water, but was scared if it’s safe to use it daily ?:) ?:) ?:)

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