What Are The Side Effects Of Biotin Tablets?

Biotin is a popular supplement taken by many women nowadays to improve their skin or grow their hair and nails. Though it has so many benefits, here are 9 unexpected and potentially dangerous negative side effects of biotin. Also, not all these things will necessarily happen just because you take biotin, but it’s important to be aware of it and proceed with caution before taking it.

side effects of biotin

9 Side Effects of Biotin Tablets

1. Acne
Too much biotin can cause cystic acne along the chin and jawline which can be too painful. Biotin increases sebum production in the skin, making way for ruptures and dirt accumulation. But once when the biotin dosage is stopped, acne fades away.

2. Allergic Reactions
Some people may suffer from allergies due to the intake of biotin supplements which is more common in those with an allergy to Vitamin B12 or cobalt. This will often include nausea, a rash, or swelling of the throat and face. So, if you happen to have any of these symptoms after taking biotin supplements, you need to consult the doctor immediately.

3. Skewed Lab Results
High amounts of biotin can create false positives in laboratory tests for thyroid disease.

4. Effects during Pregnancy
Pregnant women should avoid taking high doses of biotin as this may increase the risk of miscarriage. So, it is always better to consult a doctor before taking biotin during pregnancy.

5. Frequency of Urination
Higher dosage of biotin can cause an increase in the need to urinate. Also, there can be an unusual amount of sweating too due to the consumption of biotin in high dosages.

6. Diarrhea
Taking biotin can affect your digestive system and cause stomach cramps and diarrhea. So when such a condition is observed, it is best to stop biotin consumption immediately.

7. Nausea
Many of those who take biotin supplements complain of mild nausea during the initial stages. But with time, this side effect tends to taper off.

8. Increases Blood Glucose Levels
As biotin increases the production of glucose and fatty acids in the body, this vitamin is not recommended for those with diabetes and it is better to consult a doctor before.

9. Drug Interactions
Biotin can cause negative interactions with medications, including those for cholesterol, diabetes, and anticonvulsants, and can cause these drugs to work less efficiently.

So, it is very important to discuss all of your medications and supplements with your doctor. Your body makes enough biotin on its own through your diet. Therefore, you shouldn’t take biotin supplements unless directed by your doctor. Also, while taking biotin, it’s always important to talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing anything out of the ordinary.

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