Skincare Tips for Summers

Skincare Tips for Summers

With summers come countless skin woes like sun tan, sun burn, blemishes, pimples, pigmentation etc. But instead of stressing your way through summer, take action to keep your skin glowing and radiant in summers. Mentioned below are some tips that’ll help keep your skin fresh and dewy, even as the mercury continues to stay high.

summer skincare

• No matter how oily your skin is limit washing your face twice a day to remove dirt and oil buildup. Washing more frequently could stimulate extra oil production. During the summer months, you also might consider using a cleanser with salicylic acid at night. Avoid the use of harsh chemical cleansers as they will strip out the moisture from your skin and make it look rough and aged.

• Opt for gel-based products in the summer as they are better for your skin than lotions and creams because they let your skin breathe, don’t clog your pores, and feel lighter during summers.

• Don’t skip the exfoliation, especially in the summer. Exfoliation helps to boost skin’s glow. It removes the top layer of dead skin cells and helps your skin to more evenly absorb moisturizers and sunscreens.

• Sunscreens play an important part in skin care. Look out for a product that has higher SPF content to tackle summer sun. Do not move out of your house until your sunscreen has dried out completely or say is absorbed into your skin. People who are allergic to sunscreen can opt for oil-free and fragrance-free product. There are two types of sun block products:

woman with suntan lotion on tropical beach

1. Physical sun block: The main ingredients in these products are titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Physical sun block stick better to the skin than chemical one. Since they are chemical-free they do not tingle or sting like chemical ones. You can try Neutrogena Sensitive Skin UVA/UVB Sun block.

2. Chemical sun block: The main ingredient in such sun block is octyl methoxycinnamate.

• Deep clean your pores by taking steam atleast once every two weeks. Facial steaming helps to unclog the pores by sweating out impurities. Place a wet hot cloth over your face for five or lean over a bowl of hot water for the same effect. You can add few drops of essential oil like tea tree or lavender oil for added antibacterial effects.

• Avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks containing soda and high doses of sugar a as they dehydrate your body. Instead go for juices extracted out of fresh fruits like lemonade and that extracted from unripe green mango.

summer skin

• Keep your skin hydrated with water, drink atleast 8 glasses of water everyday. Sip coconut water whenever you can to keep dehydration at bay. Considered as the best liquid for hydration it contains a host of vitamins and minerals which apart from keeping dehydration at bay helps you get flawless hair & skin too.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

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