What is Stubborn Fat and Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fat

Both men and women tend to store extra fat in different parts of the body – around the organs (visceral fat), under the abdominal muscles, also in the muscles which is intramuscular fat, and most importantly, fat that gets stored right under the skin (subcutaneous fat). Out of all these, subcutaneous fat is considered to be stubborn fat because it is extremely hard to get rid of such fat. Lipolysis (fat breakdown) and lipid oxidation (burning of fat) takes place at a much slower rate when it comes to stubborn fat. To put it simply, stubborn fat is usually accumulation of fat in layers under the skin. Everyone has certain fat pockets in their body which are hard to get rid of. Most of the stubborn fat is around the belly, upper arms and thigh area. Some people often have stubborn fat around the chin too which makes it difficult for them to lose their double chin even when they have got rid of all the fat from the rest of their body. We know how frustrating it is when you have lost so many kilograms but those five pounds of stubborn fat doesn’t come off at all. Sometimes stubborn fat hangs in the lower belly and it is famously known as “love handles.” It is quite a task to get rid of abdominal fat and one reason behind this is that it can bounce back faster than you think. You would be surprised to know that the hormone “insulin” which is so essential to regulate sugar and glucose in the body, also acts as the “fat-storing” hormone. When insulin function gets impaired, fat cells are created in the body. It also means, a few days of “reckless” eating can trigger insulin to create fat layers around the body, especially in the belly area! If you have stubborn fat on your belly, arm or thigh area, here are some ways to reduce it. These home remedies can be extremely helpful in reducing stubborn fat and eventually putting them away. But remember, routine physical activity is imperative to get rid of all fat.

What is Stubborn Fat and Home Remedies to Get Rid of Fat

1. Green Tea: One of the best ways to boost your weight loss process is to have green tea at least once a day. Make it a routine to have a cup of green tea without sugar. If you cannot handle the taste, you can add honey for flavor. You can throw in some mint leaves too for additional taste. Drinking it an hour before meals can help you get rid of belly fat.

2. Chia seeds: Packed with the goodness of fiber, Chia seeds have loads of omega-3 fatty acids. If you do not eat salmon, this is the best alternative in the market. Soak a spoon full of chia seeds in a glass of room temperature water and drink it after the seeds bubble up. It keeps you full for a long time which will stop you from snacking at wrong hours and over-eating food. If you have a tough time having the seeds soaked in water, you can add coconut water and drink it. You can also make chia seed pudding and consume it as a dessert.

3. Eat More Water: Yes, I know it sounds funny, but by this, I mean eat more cucumbers, melons, tomatoes and lettuce. These vegetables and fruits contain high amount of water which will not get you bloated and prevent you from gaining weight. You will notice that a diet with these few vegetables would help reduce the weight that has been sticking around in your body from a long time.

4. Get rid of Sugar: No more processed and refined sugar, please! Replace the sugar in your kitchen with honey or jaggery. Once you stop consuming sugar in any form for 30 days, you will notice the difference in your body and skin too. Also, do not fall for products like sugar-free cubes, stevia, sugar-free processed food, sugar-free sugar, etc., because they still have sugar in one form or the other. Just stick to the good old jaggery or honey.

5. Stick to a Balanced Homemade Meal: Have a little of everything during lunch. Eating on time and a balanced homemade meal can do wonders for your body. Make it a habit to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at fixed timings. Make sure you are eating 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

6. Ginger: This ingredient is just magical. Having ginger tea or simply ginger water once a day can do so much to melt away stubborn fat. Other than this, it is great for health too. You can have cinnamon ginger water too. Also, one can add some ginger to drinking water and sip little by little through the day. You can do the same with cucumbers or lemon slices too.

With some stretching, warm up, planking, and eating right, your stubborn fat will be gone in a month. Try these home remedies right away to see an amazing change in your body.

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