Ask IMBB Gang : How To Get Blemish Free Skin?

Ask IMBB Gang

Shweta Asks

Till a few months back i had perfectly blemish free skin;am 25years old, fair skinned. Eve since i started working & travelling, (i guess Kolkata weather has started showing its effects)i have developed acne on my cheeks & forehead. just to get rid of them, i prick & prod which has left some ugly marks on my face!!This is highly irritating cz just a few months back i got complimented for my skin & now it has started breaking out πŸ™

It has become extremely oily. thankfully based on a few of your posts & some comments i have started using products, which has shown some improvement. I still am waiting to get back to my old habits & ofcourse, skin. Actually am too lazy to spend soo much time on my beauty. Please suggest me some remedies & products for acne & blemish free skin.


19 thoughts on “Ask IMBB Gang : How To Get Blemish Free Skin?

  1. Hi Sweta… Pollution is the biggest challenges in Kolkata for us girls….. You can use Biotique Coconut Milk Cream for as blemish free, radian,glowing skin. It should be used daily at night after cleansing & toning.Its not at all oily,a little goes a long way.I have been using this for quite a long time, & found it to be an absolutely excellent product. Please practice CTM process regularly & do avoid picking up pimples though it feels great to do that..ha ha… πŸ˜€

    1. Thanks Debasree.
      I do follow CTM diligently, infact thats d only beauty routine i ever stick 2, bt i will surely try Biotique.
      :devil: picking up pimples dz feel gr8..its like i have conquered 1 f d attackers :P..

  2. Shweta as you said you are 25 years old and never had acne till now that you changed lifestyle.

    I would recommend you to pay a visit to your gyno and get a hormonal test done, its very simple blood test, which the doctor will check if your acne breakouts are primarily hormonal, as by age 25 its very common.

    Then she might advice you on taking birth control pills as they are the safest method to balance hormones without much hassle., as if that is the case, no amount of anti blemishes creams will stop you from breaking out, as the cure must come from the root cause.
    .-= deb´s last blog ..Aint they looking great =-.

  3. Hi Shweta,

    There are many factors that go into skin changes, and I’m sure your relocation is one of them. Pollution is a major cause for breakouts, especially if you’re thrown into a place with loads of it and are not used to it. It clogs your pores, etc etc…

    Since you said you’re not big into makeup routines I’m assuming you don’t wear a full face every day? If that is the case, in addition to your morning and nightly face routine I would recommend you carry facial wipes in your bag. I haven’t been to India in a while, but used to do this when we would spend the day shopping and you wouldn’t believe the color my white facial wipe would turn when I would clean my face mid-day!

    Doing this will help eliminate the buildup on your face and allow your skin to breathe a bit more. This in combination with perhaps editing your 3 step routine (that again, should be done daily) ought to do the trick.

    I hope this helps!
    .-= Natasha´s last blog ..Cosmetic Giveaway- LORAC Mocktail Sets for 6 winners =-.

  4. Hi Shweta,
    As a long time acne-sufferer, I completely feel your pain and agitation. I had been breaking out for the past 4-5 years, and had no idea as to why. I finally visited a dermatologist about 6 months ago, and wish I had done it sooner!
    I agree with Deb that visiting a doctor is what you need to do immediately. You can either go to a dermatologist or a gynecologist. I would suggest you visit a dermatologist. S/he will first gauge the severity of your acne, and then suggest either a topical cream or something yo can ingest. Treatments that you might see can be Benzoyl Peroxide cream, Salicylic Acid Cream , Products containing Sulphur, Antibotics (both topical and pills), birth control pills (very common for hormone related acne) or Retinol creams.
    In my personal experience Benzoyl Peroxide and Retinol Creams work the best. But be sure to not get Retinol confused with Isotretinoin (Accutane) a very strong, but potentially harmful medicine for acne. Under no circumstances let a doctor push accutane on you, it happened to me and much to my doctor’s chagrin I decided to see someone else.
    My doctor gave me a topical cream, and asked me to get a few tests run. It turned out I had hormonal acne. This could be the case for you too, as you never had acne before. I started taking medicine for it, prescribed to me by an Endocrinologist. Once it’s determined that you have hormonal Acne, you can either go to a gyni or an endocrinoligist for treatment. I would suggest the latter.
    6 months later, I only get an odd stress breakout! And even though my skin is still oily, it’s refreshing to be able to scrub my face!
    Also, until you see a doctor I would suggest carrying facial wipes (like Natasha suggested above) or even splashing your face with water once in a while. Make sure you thoroughly wash your face at night! And drink lots of water. Calcutta is a super hot city, so make sure you can your skin are hydrated.
    More than anything else, just chill. Relax, don’t get too stressed about your acne! πŸ™‚

  5. @rati- thanks a tonne, this is not 4 putting up my query on ur blog;) Majorly for the endeavor u hv taken wid this blog.
    @Deb & Devie- seriously..hormonal imbalance could cause break outs??? :pain: wow i nvr knw abt tht. i was thinking f paying a visit 2 a dermatalogist, bt thot i could do wid sm creams & rituals 2 keep them @ bay. Bt i think considering my situation & reading abt Devie i shud immediately get a dr’s appointment.
    Thanks guys :yes:

  6. Does anybody know a good cheap TONER?
    i was thinking about himalaya…

    but sort of sceptical
    πŸ™ this is really stupid,but i just use my face wash and skip the toning process and i use a moisturiser directly!
    Now my skin has started breaking out πŸ˜₯
    I need a good toner,
    any body?
    .-= giasaysthat´s last blog ..Headband collection =-.

    1. lotus basiltone is good..i use this works as half-moisturizer..aroma magic toner is good too,bt try to find their PRO range..the PRO range is awesome,but u can get it only at salons.i am soon gonna try the Himalaya one.

      i have break-out too whenever i skip my toner..

      and yes,kolkata weather is indeed makes my skin more and more oily and tanned.

  7. m 25 ys old and had a v beautiful blemish free skin 1 yr back….bt nw my skin looks dull and is full of blemishes and moles …donno wht to do??…plz suggest me some remedies and product for blemish free skin…sob sob πŸ™

  8. I think chandan (sandalwood) works great. I’ve had acne and blemishes , and it totally worked for me. Sandalwood has cooling properties which calm acne and even out blemishes.
    How you use it is you can buy one of those sandalwood woodsticks and rub on it stone with rosewater, and apply it all over your face, keep it on for 20-30 mins, wash with cool water. Do it everyday and you will see dramatic results in 1 week. If you can’t find woodsticks, you can use sandalwood powder with rose water.

  9. Hi I have started blemishes on my nose and chicks and i have dark circles. I am very tensed please help me for these problems.

  10. hi……………..m also suffering from the same problem…………..being from hilly area n having very very less exposure to pollution i really had good skin :inlove: …..but 4 yrs back when i shifted to plans for further studies….. i started getting bad bad acne problem………….my mum started blaming it all on me………. :waaa: ………….now after coming back home my acne are considerably gone but……those dirty marks left on my skin are such a pain :(( ………every tym mum luk at me she iz lyk……….jabhi tk tum mere pass thi u had such a gud skin….ab khud se sb kharab krke shanti mil gye ab ghumo ase hi………..don’t knw wat 2 do………………..plz plz help me some1………… :waiting: :preen:

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