5 Best Homemade Banana Face Packs

5 Best Homemade Banana Face Packs

I did not believe banana could do anything to my skin until one day, before a short flight, I applied a mashed banana, curd and honey pack! My skin was softer and glowing, I was impressed, these days I am looking to make some time to apply the same again, which brings me to the post on these 5 amazing banana face packs, do try them.

Banana and honey face pack:

Take half a banana, mashed and add a teaspoon of honey, mix and apply with a flat face pack brush, let it adhere, adjust your face so it wont slip away, πŸ˜› let it darken before you remove it, roughly 15 minutes, wash off with cold water.Curd is optional along with honey.


Banana and avocado/kiwi face pack:

Take a half a banana mashed, you could use half mashed kiwi if you are a kiwi fan like me, or you dont like avocado like me :p add all the products and add some raw milk to get the consistency right to the mashed fruits, and leave it on the face for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.


Banana and lemon and milk pack:

Take few drops of milk, half a spoon of lemon juice and half a banana mashed, leave it on the face for 20 minutes, wash off, this is particularly good for oily skin.


Banana and sandalwood and honey pack:

Get this for tan removal, mix half a spoon of sandalwood powder, few drops honey and half a mashed banana, apply and get the glow!

Banana and curd face pack:

This surely works, you have to try it today, take half a mashed banana and smooth curd without the watery part, mix well to a pack consistency and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off with cold water,voila soft and glowing skin!

Banana can do wonders and bring that soft glow to the skin, such a common ingredient can come to your rescue on tanned skin days, or rough skin days, next time before throwing away that banana, try to make a mask out of it.

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5 Best Homemade Avocado Face Packs
5 Homemade Skin Lightening Face Masks
5 Homemade Kiwi Face Packs
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5 Homemade Face Packs To Remove Tan


24 thoughts on “5 Best Homemade Banana Face Packs

  1. Whenever I eat a banana I always use a small piece and just rub it on my face! and it works well!
    ‘Infact that motivates me to eat a banana πŸ˜›
    Great recipes thank you πŸ™‚ *jai ho*

  2. I had banana and milk for a month to gain weight and bingo it worked *happy dance* *happy dance* *happy dance* but i will surely try it on my face too that too tonight as my face has really become dull and i badly need some glow *hifive* *hifive*

  3. Nice post neha *clap* Banana+milk combination works great for my skin. I can see an instant glow on my face whenever i use this pack.

  4. What a timing Neha *clap* *clap* . I needed it badly as I’ve very very dry & rough skin these days. Thank you Neha *haan ji* *haan ji* .

  5. I will try the pack with sandalwood combination. I guess the powder will help prevent the banana mash from slipping off my face πŸ˜›

  6. u saved my bananas from getting rotten, *woot* its too cold can’t ate them up better mash n use in face pack yeshhhh,,… *oye balle* i will try avocado n banana nw.. *powder*

  7. Hey i don’t like eating keley akeley πŸ˜€ i mean i don’t like them except in fruit chat so face packs r great idea. Will use the one with oily skin

  8. I am not too fond of eating bananas, but they do work well as a face pack *happydance* , I am trying the first one πŸ™‚

  9. Thanks for this reminder. I love bananas, buy them by the dozen but never finish them and a couple of them always go waste. Banana + milk/honey/curd is so doable

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