IMBB Giveaway 1- 2014

Well, this is going to be a cool year on IMBB. 2013 was choppy; it was a roller-coaster ride and we couldn’t find our bearings at times. But 2014 seems to be getting brighter and brighter. It is like seeing the sun coming out after months of cloudy days. 2014 is going to be awesome! 🙂

And we’re going to celebrate, and celebrate, and keep on celebrating. And our celebration starts today. So here’s our first short and sweet giveaway ladies. It’s a facebook giveaway so you’d have to go to our facebook page in order to take part. Click HERE to participate. The best answer wins. We shall announce the winner Sunday, 12th January, 2014.

imbb giveaway

Right after announcing the winner on Sunday we shall move on to our next celebration. Yep that’s right. Didn’t we say we are going to keep on celebrating, and celebrating? 🙂

So if you still haven’t already, please like our Facebook page by clicking on the icon below:

and subscribe to our email updates so that you don’t miss out on the winner names or our next celebration! 🙂

P.S.– The comments on this post are closed so that you don’t mistakenly comment and participate here. Please visit our Facebook page and participate. 🙂