Is it Safe to Follow Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet has become the latest big thing in weight loss plans. Keto diet involves cutting down heavily on carbohydrate intake, restricting carbs to just 35, ideally just below 25 gm so that the body goes into a state of ketosis where it burns stored fat for energy. Keto diet involves high fat and low carb consumption. Keto diet promises quick weight loss results compared to other diets, but is it safe for everyone? Let’s find out if it safe to follow keto diet.

Safe to Follow Keto Diet

Hidden Side Effects of Keto Diet:
Going on a keto diet soon? Just as you are thinking about a slimmer you, do watch out for possible side effects. These are some common side effects on keto diet:

1. Keto Flu: About 25% people who try ketogenic diet experience vomiting, gastrointestinal distress and a lot of fatigue as your body will run out of sugar for energy and it has to make a sudden transition to burning fat to regulate bodily functions. It might make your body feel tired for a few days. You can minimize these effects by drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep. Also, incorporate matcha green tea or organic coffee to battle fatigue.

2. Diarrhea: As keto diet bans using fruits and vegetables, the loss of fiber can lead to diarrhea or loose stools. You may find yourself running to the bathroom quite often. This may also be due to gallbladder—the organ that produces bile to help break down fat in the diet and it might feel overwhelmed with so much fat in the body.

3. Ketoacidosis: For people with diabetes, ketosis can trigger a dangerous condition called ketoacidosis. This occurs when the body stores up too many ketones—acids produced as a byproduct of burning fat—and the blood becomes too acidic, which can damage the liver, kidneys, and brain. Left untreated, it can be fatal.

4. Weight Gain: Keto diet is so restrictive and hence it is not an appropriate diet to follow for long term since you are depriving your body of a whole of nutrients. Once people come out of keto, they have been seen to add back the pounds with carbs back in their diet.

5. Less muscle mass: The longer you’re in ketosis, the more fat you will burn. Unfortunately, you may start to lose muscle tissue too because your muscles need carbs for adequate formation and maintenance. Without those carbs, your body may start to break down muscle.

6. Increased risk of heart disease and diabetes: Ketogenic diet includes lots of vegetables and lean sources of animal protein, but many use it as an excuse to eat butter and bacon. This may raise cholesterol levels and might increase the risk of diabetes. Experts have even called it a “cardiologist’s nightmare.” Also, a study revealed that people on low-carb diets had the highest risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular conditions, early death, and all other causes.

Keeping all the above factors in mind, consult your doctor without fail before undertaking any diet and do not follow another person’s diet chart. Always go to a good dietitian who would custom make diet chart for you keeping your underlying medical conditions in mind.


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