Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

When you are on a weight loss journey, you might quickly see the results on other areas except the tummy.  It’s really tough to lose the tummy fat.  With strict dieting, gym, and exercising, your body would get into shape, but it’s an uphill task to get rid of the stomach flab.  This is where yoga can help you.  Yoga is a form of exercise that benefits every part of the body. There are yogasanas to control blood pressure and some yoga postures increase strength and posture.  Yoga also helps to maintain the body in perfect equilibrium. Westerners have lapped up yoga because it can bring about perfect tandem of mind, body, and soul.  Yoga helps one to stay youthful.  People have been practicing yoga to lose weight also. While we have a very good post on IMBB on how to lose weight with yoga, in this post, I am going to tell about some asanas that will help you to get a flat tummy.  Well, the only condition is that you should practice it regularly and religiously and then only you would be able to see and reap the benefits. All these asanas stretch out the abdominal muscles, increase body’s metabolism, and thus helps you to lose fat from the tummy area.  Let’s start:

1. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose: In this asana, you should stretch your body to take the shape of a bow. The whole body stretches during this asana. It is particularly beneficial for the abdominal muscles which stretches out fully. It also has an effect on enzyme producing organs such as liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine. All these organs become more active and efficient and would aid in fast metabolism. This asana also increases blood circulation.

Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

Here’s how you can do Dhanurasana:

  • Lie down on your tummy and bend both the knees and legs and keep them apart.
  • Catch the legs firmly near the ankles.
  • While slowly exhaling and inhaling, pull the legs upward with the hands, allow the body to be stretched in a curve, and then push the neck backwards.
  • Raise the thighs from the ground along with shoulders and chest. Push the neck backwards as much as possible.

Hold this position for a few moments while inhaling and exhaling slowly. Come back to the original position. Do it for 5 to 10 times each day.

2.  Navasana:  This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles and lower back.  It improves digestion and works on the lower abdominal organs.  Navasana or the boat pose is called such because the body resembles like a boat.

Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

Here’s how you can do navasana:

  • From the sitting position, lift the legs up to a 45 degree angle.  Make a V shape with the body.  Hold the arms out straight in line with the shoulders.
  • Exhale and inhale slowly in this position.
  • Come back to your original position slowly.
  • Repeat this 5 times.

3.  Sethu Bandha Sarvanasana:  When you are in this pose, your body resembles a bridge.  This pose is beneficial for your entire body including your heart, chest, shoulders, spine, and abdomen.  It also calms down the mind.  This pose stimulates the abdominal organs and aids in faster metabolism.

Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

Here’s how you can do Sethu Bandha Sarvanasana:

  • Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and knees bent.
  • Exhale and lift your hips up towards the ceiling.
  • Keep your butt off the floor and roll your shoulders back.  Clasp your hands together and extend your arms along the floor beneath the pelvis.
  • Stay in this position for one minute and slowly come back to supine position while inhaling and exhaling slowly.

4.  Bhujangasana: This asana is named such because your body resembles that of a cobra snake.  This asana strengthens the chest, abdomen, and butt.  This asana increases body heat and awakens kundalini.

Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

Here’s how you can do bhujangasana:

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Bring your legs together, set your forehead on the floor.
  • Inhale and raise your head forward, going upwards with your head, neck, and back.
  • Keep your head up, shoulders pulled backwards, elbows next to the body with bent arms, abdomen pressing on the floor, and the legs together.  Exhale and inhale slowly.  Keep the position for 15 to 30 seconds and do at least 5 repetitions.
  • Exhale slowly and come down to your original position.

5.  Surya namaskar:

Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

Surya namaskar or “sun salutation” is a sequence of asanas.  It’s a complete exercise with 12 different asanas which benefits the entire body including the abdomen and tummy.  Surya namaskar will help you lose weight from the entire body, including the tummy.  The entire procedure of surya namaskar is explained in detail here.

Yoga for Glowing Skin
8 Benefits of Yoga
Yoga Exercises During Pregnancy
4 Yoga Asanas to Lose Weight (tutorial)
5 Abs Exercises for a Flat Stomach!
Exercises to get a flat stomach after Pregnancy
How to Firm Stomach after Pregnancy
VLCC Shape Up Waist and Tummy Trim Gel


18 thoughts on “Yoga Poses For a Flat Tummy

  1. Wow jomo… U did complete justice to this post…. Me too having pot belly troubles since my post pregnancy….. I call it my ” puppy fat”….. But its my problem…. Dont have enough discipline in me to continue it regularly… This is another wake up call for me

    1. Subi, You just need to make sure your stomach is empty before doing this. Preferably not eaten for 4 hrs. Best is to do in early morning

    2. Subi, You just need to make sure your stomach is empty before doing this. Preferably not eaten for 4 hrs. Best is to do in early morning

  2. u read my mind jomol.. *jai ho* this is wt i need today in my life.. *woot* *woot* I hope i will do it, they luk lil tough though.. *scared* *secret* cant thank u enough for this epic post.. *jai ho* *jai ho* I am saving this link and u dnt knw u already blessed so many lives thru this post.. *happydance* *announce* *haan ji* *haan ji*

  3. fantastic post jomol
    Setubandh asana really worked for me
    Tho i am not perfct but love dhanurasana and bhujangasna as well *jai ho*

  4. I have seen mumma do the 1st and 4th one for years..till she stopped it after an accident…but these are really really good yoga and exercise poses..super one jomol 😀 😀

  5. Jomol, You know I like all your articles. Only this one I would not agree with 🙂 Sorry.
    I hope you do not mind.
    None of the asanas you have listed can give you flat abs.
    They are wonderful asanas beneficial for other reasons but not for flat abs.
    Nevertheless it is a great article.

    1. Thanks Kiran *thankyou* Experts have vouched that these asanas can burn the belly fat and improve the overall metabolism of the body that aids in burning of calories. These are not my exclusive findings, you can ask the experts!

  6. I can tell you these yoga poses can do nothing but good.
    I found a picture of me in my 60s and theres not an oz of fat on my mid rif and keeps tummy in check. I m slim ,almost too much so for my small face. I dont know if it tightens that much but little gravity pull.

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