6 Best Root Vegetables That Are Great For Weight Loss

Root vegetables are an important part of every major cuisine the world over. From cassava, a staple crop in many African countries, widely consumed due to its versatility in both sweet and savory varieties to the plain potato, which is the most famous root vegetable in Europe, India, and elsewhere; root vegetables make for a staple, everyday food. Root vegetables are essentially plant parts that are grown under the ground, but they are not true roots – these edible parts come in bulb, tuber, rhizome form. But for people trying to lose weight, here’s a major concern – these veggies get a bad rap for their high carb content. Individuals attempting to shed excess weight often steer clear of root veggies that are rich in starch and carbohydrates, aiming to reduce calorie intake and mitigate sharp spikes in blood sugar levels caused by their high glycemic index. Root vegetables can also be calorie dense (potatoes and yams for example) compared to other vegetables (green leafy things). For people who are trying to lose weight, all these factors add up and they eliminate root vegetables from their diet completely. However, it’s important to note that root vegetables can indeed be part of a healthy, balanced diet for weight loss, since most of them are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. What is essential is to practice portion control and avoid unhealthy cooking methods (deep frying for example), and they would fit perfectly into any weight loss plan. Still not convinced? In this particle, we list down 6 Best Root Vegetables that are great for weight loss.

6 Best Root Vegetables That Are Great For Weight Loss

1. Carrot: Do you know what makes an amazing weight-loss friendly snack? Carrot sticks and hummus! A good source of protein, a cup of hummus made with chickpeas and carrot sticks to go along makes for a nutritious and filling snack, and an awesome pre/post workout meal. Low in calories, high in dietary fiber, rich in nutrients like vitamin A, C, potassium, beta carotene – you can eat carrots raw, in soups and salads, roast, grill, and them to curries. There are just 41 calories per 100 gm of carrot!
2. Radish: Another reason to relish “mooli ka paratha!” There are just 16 calories per 100 gm. Radishes are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, etc.
3. Onion: Onion is not exactly a root vegetable, it is a bulb! Onions are an indispensable part of our cuisine, it’s required in everyday dishes, and for us Indians, it’s not a curry until there’s onion in it. Onions can be eaten raw, added to salads, to make curries, and everything that you can think of. Onions can be added to any weight loss diet without increasing the calorie count. Did you know onion is a good source of prebiotic fiber, which aids in the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. They add so much taste and flavour to your meals without adding excess calories. Onions also have vitamin C, folate, vitaminB6, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron content. And if you are experience hair fall, apply some onion juice to the scalp! Also read: “12 Salad Mistakes you Should Avoid to Lose Weight.”
4. Sweet Potatoes: The best thing about sweet potato is that you can eat with the peel on – which is packed with dietary fiber. Just like protein, dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that boosts weight loss by reducing the level of hunger hormone, has cholecystokinin that stimulates the digestion of fat and protein. The resistant starch in sweet potatoes lowers the risk of obesity. Though not exactly low in calories (86 calories/100 gm), they are yummy and full of nutrients. You can have sweet potato in different ways – steamed, boiled, baked, mashed, roasted – there are so many options. Also read: “Is Sweet Potato Good For Weight Loss?”
5. Ginger: It’s essentially a rhizome, which is a type of underground stem that grows horizontally just below the surface of the soil. Ginger has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger has thermogenic properties, which is the process through which an ingredient generates heat in the body by burning calories. This can potentially lead to an increase in metabolic rate, helping the body burn more calories. The best thing about ginger is you can consume it fresh, in powder form, and in a variety of dishes – where ginger adds a strong and distinct flavour. Ginger has been traditionally used as a natural remedy for bloating and digestive discomfort. Ginger can have up to 80 calories per 100 gm.
6. Beetroot: Beetroot, also called beets, is a nutrient-dense vegetable with just around 50 calories in one cup, and most of those calories come from vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Having beetroot in a weight loss diet ensures that you are getting the necessary nutrients without increasing calorie intake. From making beetroot salad, beetroot smoothie, juice, and even baked chips, there are so many way you can have beets on a diet.

It’s important to note that while root veggies can be a healthy addition to a weight loss diet, it’s the overall balance of your diet, portion control and an active lifestyle that will have the greatest impact on weight loss. Following a nutrient-dense, balanced diet with a variety of foods, that also keeps you in a calorie deficit and healthy lifestyle habits will motor you to your goal weight, and you can find such diet plans on the Rati Beauty app. Download the app to find out how to incorporate root veggies or any other food into your weight loss plan.

Is Sweet Potato Good For Weight Loss?
12 Salad Mistakes you Should Avoid to Lose Weight


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