Chubby Presents Revlon Nail Enamel in Midnight Shine

Chubby with Revlon Nail Enamel
Chubby with Revlon Nail Enamel

So ladies, here comes my review on Revlon’s Nail Enamel. Look how proudly Chubby is escorting Revlon! πŸ˜‰

Price: Rs 110 Ouch!

Colour: This is shade of Revlon is one of my favourite shades among all the nail paints that I own. Imagine a midnight sky with beautiful stokes of blacks,blues,greens, and hint of golden light illuminating from a full yellow moon. That’s the colour. πŸ™‚

I made my neighbour, Tanvi be my model for the day. Evey now and then we have fun painting our nails with crazy hues. lol!!

Why should you buy Revlon Nail enamel?

  1. Gorgeous shade selection
  2. Smooth application
  3. Doesn’t streak

Why should you NOT buy Revlon’s nail enamel?

  • Pretty expensive for a nil paint.
  • It juts ships, chips and chips more. Even if I apply a clear coat on top of it, I see that my nail paints starts chipping within a day or two. And by the way, I don’t even cook on daily basis or do any harsh work with my hands that the paint could go off so easily.
Revlon Midnight Shine
Revlon Midnight Shine
Revlon Midnight Shine on Tanvi's Nails
Revlon Midnight Shine on Tanvi's Nails

Would I buy it again?

Revlon’s Nail Enamels might have an excellent colour collection but I guess I didn’t get the quality for the price I paid. I would rather look for a similar colour in other brand first. Only if I would be dying for a particular shade in Revlon, I would buy it. Else not.

Have you tried Revlon’s Nail Paint yet? How has yoour experience been with it?

Divija from Divija Reddy blog gave me my first blog award. I am so excited and so proud of it. Thank you sweez. Mwwaah! πŸ™‚


18 thoughts on “Chubby Presents Revlon Nail Enamel in Midnight Shine

  1. Tht Chubby is really, really cute.. I think I paid more attention to him/her than the nail paint itself.. πŸ˜€

    The nail paint does look nice, it’s a pretty shade.

  2. I find Rvlon nailenamel streaky ,I wd settle for matte nail paints anyday !!
    why dont yu try a base coat first ?I swear I use that,apply 2coats of my fav.paint and then crystal clear top coat ,my paint stays for a week or so !~

  3. Lol! Palak, you are not spamming my comments. I have never tried using base coat. Too lazy! Will try that now. I have got sprain my foot and I can’t go shopping soon for next few weeks. πŸ™
    SO much stuff to buy. πŸ˜€ I am really looking forward to stock some matte shades now, they look so chic. πŸ™‚

    Chubby is a darling. I used to hang it on my bags but the srting broke. Now it accompanies me on my lappy table. πŸ™‚

    And happy Christmas month to you too sweetheart. πŸ™‚

  4. hey, sory abt leg sprain. Get wel soon, so we cud have more hauls and reviews. CHubby is really chubby…

    tanvi aka tanveer parmar is ur neighbout??? love the nail color, but surely would nt buy that coz i am a black beauty πŸ™‚

    thanx a bunch for the kisses, save them for ur special person, honey πŸ˜‰

  5. No Tanveer is from Mumbai and I am from Delhi. Palak, Cynthia and I are from the same city but I think Cynthia should be my neighbour.

    Thank you for the concern, hun. And no worries about the kisses. πŸ™‚


  6. Hey Rati,

    Sorry for the totally different topic..but can you suggest an alternative for lakme eye artist??
    Do u know any brand which has a similar product?

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