Always Hangry on a Weight Loss Diet? Here’s What you Should Do

Some dieters experience crankiness and fluctuating moods while trying to lose weight and tend to get hunger pangs so severe that they get “hangry” (angry because of hunger). When your hunger becomes so uncontrollable that it can make you really angry, you are no longer hungry, you are hangry! People report being “hangry” (angry because of hunger), a state of irritability because of hunger and brain fog for the initial few weeks after they have started out on a weight loss diet. The problem arises when you eat without practicing mindful eating to fuel up energy levels to come out of the state of being hangry. If you start to feel grumpy and cranky all the time while dieting, then you need to find out ways to get rid of that feeling because it can seriously jeopardize your weight loss journey.

Always Hangry on a Weight Loss Diet

1. Eat at Scheduled Timings: To avoid energy levels from dipping at certain times during the day, eat at scheduled timings. Check out the weight loss diet programs on the Rati Beauty app to find out what kind of timings can keep you energized through the day, and still you can manage to lose weight successfully.
2. Drink More Water: People often confuse thirst signals with hunger pangs, and turn to food to satisfy their hunger when they are actually thirsty! Also, most often they turn to unhealthy food. Sipping on water at regular intervals through the day can help suppress unnecessary food cravings and thoughts, and stop you from getting hangry.
3. Avoid Sugary Treats: Foods rich in sugar can cause sharp spike and crash in blood sugar levels, leaving you cranky and hungry all too often.  When you eat sugary things, brain releases “feel-good chemicals” such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, and these chemicals makes one feel happy by elevating mood, and calming down nerves, and satisfying hunger pangs temporarily. Sugary stuff causes insulin spikes that provide instant energy but the subsequent drop in blood sugar level is just as steep, causing fatigue and lack of energy, making you crave for “unhealthy food” all over again. You start to depend more and more on such unhealthy food to deal with jittery nerves. Do give up on all forms of added sugar to actually get out of this vicious sugar cycle and drop extra weight.
4. Eat More Protein: Protein keeps you full for longer and boosts satiety. Including a good source of protein or healthy fat with every meal and snack will keep your blood sugar levels stabilized and prevent the onset of sudden, intense hunger. That means they help you feel fuller longer and delay the return of hunger, so incorporating them into meals is a smart way to avoid blood sugar swings and to steady your mood. When you increase protein intake, food cravings and food-related thoughts will decrease by a great degree. Find protein-rich weight loss diets on the Rati Beauty app.

5. Pick Healthy Fats: People often eliminate healthy fats from their diet in order to lose weight, but healthy fats not only keep you full, they prevent blood sugar fluctuations, and keep the energy levels stable all through the day. Egg yolks, avocado, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts are all good source of healthy fats.
6. Eat Fiber-Rich Food: Just like protein and healthy fats, fiber also boosts satiety and fills you up, and prevent blood sugar crashes, maintaining stable energy levels through the day.
7. Pick Healthy Snacks: Instead of reaching out for unhealthy snacks, reach out for low-calorie snacks such as roasted makhana, sprouts, or even nibble on dark chocolate.
8. Also, Eat These Things When You are Stressed Out without Falling off Diet.

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