How To Get Rid of Blemishes : Ask IMBB

Ask IMBB Gang


I have lots of blemish and scar all over my face due to pimples and boils, which product should I use to remove them. Any suggestions


24 thoughts on “How To Get Rid of Blemishes : Ask IMBB

  1. i too need a solution for this……… :sidefrown:
    though i dont have lots but …. when are women happy with their faces??

  2. Use 0.025% tretinoin cream in the nights ONLY on the scars/blemishes. your skin would start peeling in that area till u use it. But please consult a doc before u start this.

  3. Tea tree oil works – you could try those. I know TBS has a tea tree oil for spots, Lush has Grease Lightning but both of these I have not tried. I remember Cali saying Oriflame also has tea tree oil. Have also heard that red sandalwood helps – but I didnt have the patience to try it continuously and so I never saw any proper results. Just blemishes, like dark spots, those will definitely go away – even with no product and just with time – it will fade. Just ensure that you keep your skin healthy and prevent new breakouts while the older ones heal.

  4. I had a lot of scars too , they reducing gradually but * touchwood*
    First , wait for all acne to get over before jumping on to scar treatment. Let the skin clear up from acne and just the scars be there. I had acne and some previous scars and applied no marks on the scars only , somehow my acne increased.When i applied after the bout of acne , it was kind of working. Hope u r getting it .
    I can speak on home remedies ,
    1.Paste of haldi-chandan, BEST solution.Apply on scars and spots two times. Its slow but works and works well.
    2.Prick open a VIT E capsule and apply just one thin layer on scars , leave will need half a capsule evn if you have thousands of scars. DO NOT DO THIS EVEN IF YOU HAVE ONE TINY ACNE. THIS IS A POST ACNE TREATMENT.
    3.Have nariyal paani daily and apply some on your face with a cotton. Works wonders.
    4.Soak an alomd in water overnight, in the morning crush to a fine paste and apply on scars, when it dries , scrub it off . NOT FOR OILY SKIN.
    5.OLIVE OIL massaged into face helps improve complexion and makes skin clear.I rub in 2 drops of oilve oil before bed.Winters is the perfect time for this.:)
    6.Mix Half teasppon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of rose water, apply on scars , wash off after 20 minutes. AVOID SUN EXPOSURE while applied.
    7.Have green tea daily, it makes you glow from within.

    I have used NO Marks cream and it hasnt shown any great results so far , maybe you could try that too.

    Hope that helped. :))

  5. well none are 100 % upto mark products ! but some of them are really worth trying like oriflame tea tree oil (it might irritate ur skin so da a patch test ), aromamagic vitamin e nourishing cream (well generously reduced blemishes ), lotus herbal acne gel (though it is for acne but it reduced by mom’s blemishes considerably)

    2 months back my mom bought me baba ramdev divyakantilep rs 30 for 50 grams it did wonders on my skin and my mom skins her blemishes were reduced in just 7 days !taking vitamin e capsule orally and drinking carrot juice alonwith it helps coz this lep helps ur skin from outside and vitamin e and carrot juice reapirs within ! but this product has cons also the biggest one is that it leaves your skin yellow almost jaundice yellow color (which fades later ) ! so i m confused i should recommend u or not !

    thats all ! in case u find sum other super treatment do share with us !

  6. Use Vicco Termeric cream, awesome cream has (Turmeric + Sandal wood oil) natural products.

    Benefits of Vicco Turmeric Cream
    * will Protect your skin from pimples and acne
    * Removes blemishes and evens skin tone.
    * Brightens skin works as an antiseptic – good for nicks & cuts too.
    I apply it at night before going to sleep it does leaves my face soft and also was able to remove the scars because of pimples.

    1. Does it really work?? As I dont have dark scars but I do have uneven skintone and blemishes… how will it take it to heal?? Will it cause any breakouts??? Plz do reply me, as m suffering from it and m no make up person so those blemishes are quite visible..

  7. you can probably go for glycolic acid peels!!..I heard they come in wipes form as well these going to my doc tomorrow…will try and get names.I also need that.

  8. ya sarita if der r too many..u shd visit a dermat..
    u can try erytop lotion…apply before going to bed…
    n once ur acne is healed..use vit e capsules for scars..dey wud fade slowly bt surely..

    1. I just get one to two boils around menstrual cycle and then goes off within 3 days but leaves a mark. So, as a result my face has lot of dark spots….otherwise i dont have any problem.

  9. Try a paste of bark of neem stems and sandalwood Mixed together.. cleared my skin in two days after I had an infectious break out.Twas suggested to me by my family physician so it will work for even sensitive skin.. :))

  10. Try and rub Nutmeg we call it Jayphal in Marathi and Jatiphal in Ayurveda. It is used as a spice in kitchen… all moms know it…. you have to rub dat in water and get a fine paste out of it… then apply it only on the spots… for me this is the sure shot remedy since my college days…

  11. its best u go to a dermatologist if u are reaaaaly impatient now…. coz natural remedies take time… but its best to use natural remedies just side by side to enhance and hasten the process…
    most creams dont work trust me iv tried so many by now and have word of mouth reviews for so many anti blemisgh products… but many many friends and me have truly been satisfied after following a dermatologists precription only … because it not only targets ur blemishes while prescribing;The cause, age and skin type is also taken into concern…
    some of them even try to work on the root cause of breakouts (can be so many hormonal, sensitive skin.. oil clogging etc) so u dont have to worry about new blemishes again and keep them in control… regular creams and remedies wont look into this matter…

    and let time take its own course and heal 😉
    all the best….!!!

  12. vit e oil from a vit e capsule mixed with few drops of lavender oil helps get rid of scars…massage every night

    potato juice applied to scars helps 2..soak a cotton disc with potato juice and leave in on the scar area for around 20mins..then rinse face with lukewarm water…this can be done daily…

    equal quantities of rose water and lemon juice mixed and applied to scar for around 30 mins help lighten them to quite some extent

    yogurt applied on the face for around 20 mins daily helps lighten blemishes..

    apply calamine lotion daily as a face mask .helps get rid of blemishes.

    use a good sunscreen before going out in the daytime…

    Add sandalwood paste to water and apply it to your skin where the blemishes are. Sandalwood is good for keeping your skin clear and free of acne or blemishes

    trying not using a scrub…sumtimes scrubbing makes blemishes worse..

    try using products containing benzoyl peroxide…

    1. scrubbing makes blemishes worse????? 😯 😯 😯 😯 new to me…
      i thot scrubbing only makes acne worse :((

      1. yeah thats wat i read online….

        Tips & Warnings

        The best acne and blemish treatment, you can buy over-the-counter, is any kind of acne medication that has benzoyl peroxide in it.
        Control your stress levels to avoid or get rid of blemishes. Stress is a major cause in acne and blemishes.
        Stay out of the sun and in the shade. The sun can tan your skin and cover up blemishes but it can also make blemishes worse.
        :star: :star: Don’t scrub your face. Scrubbing can dry your skin and make blemishes worse. :star: :star:
        Avoid using makeup with oil base in them. Oil based makeup has been known to cause blemishes.
        Try not to pop a pimple because popping can cause scarring.

    Acne, often referred to as blemishes or spots, is a disorder of the hair follicles and oil glands (sebaceous glands) in the skin and is actually the most common reason people visit dermatologists (skin care doctors). The blemishes you see are actually follicles that have become blocked and inflamed. One reason that acne occurs is because of increased hormonal activity — as certain hormones increase, so do the levels of sebum, which is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. Sebum and other substances can block the opening of the hair follicle, which may allow the growth of bacteria and eventually lead to blemishes.

    You may have heard that blemishes are caused by things you eat such as chocolate or greasy foods, or that you can make blemishes better by scrubbing and using strong facial cleansers. But these are myths. The foods you eat don’t cause acne although a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for your whole body, including your skin. Acne is not caused by dirt, so excessive scrubbing using hot water or strong cleansers won’t help. In fact, it can actually make blemishes worse and more obvious.

  14. hey Jaiphal is for acnes not for scars.
    use jaiphal dippled in cold milk and then rub on stone put this paste on acne…clove can also be used with water..also neem bark is good option

  15. hey…
    1.Use any gentle facewash(i use biotique’s pineapple face wash)to cleanse the face…exfoliate skin every alternate day (for that use body shop’s tea tree exfoliater) with a little warm water so that the pores open up
    2.Apply potato juice all over the face to reduce the scars n to lighten the redness of the pimples and then wash face with cold water
    3.Take a cold tomato n cut it into 2 halves n rub the insides all over ur face for about 15 minutes and wash face with cold water . This tightens the pores n prevents blackheads and whiteheads
    4.follow up with rubbing ice cubes that are frozen with a few drops of lemon juice in them for about 10 minutes. The lemon helps close the pores and the ice increases blood circulation
    5.for moisturising the face apply biotique’s chlorophyll gel(its super n i recommend this n only this for pimple prone skin)

    I’ve been suffering with acne from the last 6 years…n its been only 10 days since i started off with this regimen n my skin looks much much better with no new pimples at all…but yes…with a little bit of chnges in diet too…less oily food…n a lot n lot of water…with one cup of turmeric milk daily…it has really helped…try n lemme knw if it worked for u as well….all the best:)

  16. red sandalwood(rakt chandan) u can order from flipkart + haldi + rose water (patanjali rose water works best)…
    apply paste…leave overnight….acne…spots..everything will vanish.

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