5 Ways I am Trying to Lose Holiday Fat / Bloating


I had the worst food trip ever in a longest time. If you don’t know already, Sanjeev and I went to Seychelles for holiday last week. So it’s basically a breathtakingly-stunnily-beautiful island. So that also meant that they had limited resources esp in terms of food. And being a vegetarian did not help much. I had to basically live off pastas and breads and pasta was mainly white (maida). That said when I am on a holiday I also like to indulge. I mean what’s a holiday if you can’t even enjoy a few treats here and there. But this time around it backfired because I was eating junk almost everyday. I ordered a soup the other day and it was mainly water with a few cubed veggies at the bottom. That hit the rockbottom for me.I dared not order soup again. I am not someone who lives off salads and soups but if I have indulged during the day I try to balance off the meal at night. And I like salads that also include some solid stuff like paneer or tofu or eggs. I can’t do just leafy salads and call it a day….Enough of the rant. Basically I have come back home with 3kgs weight gain. Thankyouverymuch. Some of it would be bloating and water weight but seriously I am not feeling too good about the way I ate last week. So here’s my plan to get back in shape. I hope this helps some of you who travel a lot esp you honeymooners. These dream resorts literally spoil you crazy and it’s really not cool after all the fun you had while holidaying. 😀

  1. Drink a ton of water – I am just making sure that I try to drink 4-6 litres everyday. That would help get rid of toxins and bloating. Plus your skin would glow. Two birds with one arrow. 😀 if you find it difficult to drink water, you could try these Anti Bloating Flavoured Waters.
  2. Get back to working out : I have already hit the gym. I am taking it slow because I haven’t worked out in a week now so my body would take time to get the stamina back. Plus I don’t want to cause any injury in my desperation.
  3. No junk food AT ALL : That means nothing of maida or anything that comes off the box. No white bread, potatoes or rice atleast for a week. I am only going to eat home cooked food. And trust me after travelling so much I can say that our home cooked Indian food is one of the healthiest foods out there. I am not a vegan or gluten free or lactose free nothing of that sorts. I just like to eat in moderation and eat everything. Dal, roti, sabzi for lunch and dinner. Egg whites and toasts / oats/ muesli with milk for breakfast. And lots of fruits.Also, eat in moderation. Don’t binge.
  4. Cut back on sugar : I have a major sweet tooth so I ate quite a lot of bakery during the trip. But I am not going to eat anything sweet for atleast a week. The only sugar that I am going to have is in terms of fruits. I am also a tea drinker so I have to have a biscuit with my tea. If you can avoid that too, I think it would be best. I have tried doing it in past and I just cannot avoid it. So…
  5. Decrease intake of salt : I don’t eat much salt anyway. Nothing related to health reasons but I did not grow up eating a lot of salty food so…This basically means no chips for me at the moment.

So that’s my plan. if you have tips related to bloating or water retention, I’d love to know them in comments below. 🙂

Also Read :

What causes Bloating
What Causes Water Retention and Bloating
Air Travel Bloating
Say Goodbye to Bloating with These 12 Foods


8 thoughts on “5 Ways I am Trying to Lose Holiday Fat / Bloating

  1. I am so in love with your vacation photos ma’am. <3
    Holidays don't affect my weight, but my skin arrrghhhh Pimples , redness , stubborn tan and what not. Mostly because of too much sweets and spicy food 😛
    can't get my hands off street food wherever I go

  2. Ms Singh….pucchies, you would lose that weight quickly. Your post inspired me, and I have picked the first point immediately, I have decided to gulp down loads of water now, starting with a big bottle right now 🙂

  3. I totally agree with all the points! But I can’t help binging junk food it seems difficult to let go but I’m gonna try my best. Good luck for your holiday weight loss 🙂

  4. I have been struggling with similar issues since a few months. Not only the weighing scale speaks but also you feel heavy from the inside. I also bought a big bottle and my daily aim is to finish it within the end of the day. Also, I have totally eliminated rice from my diet and replaced it with small millets.

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