Say Goodbye to Bloating with These 12 Foods

By Neha Singh

Hey all!
Bloating is a condition of your belly feeling swollen after eating. Bloating is not the same as water retention, but the two terms are often interchangeable. Put simply, bloating involves excessive amounts of solids, liquids or gas in your digestive system. It can often cause pain, discomfort and a stuffed feeling, but it can also make you look heavier and give the perception of large amounts of belly fat. It is often caused by the diet and some foods or ingredients you are intolerant to.

Say Goodbye to Bloating with These 12 Foods

Here are few foods that help you to eliminate bloating:

1. Bananas

Include bananas in your diet. Rich in potassium and fibre, bananas are know to help avoid water retention and keep the digestive tract running smoothly.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Lettuce and spinach aren’t just low in calories but also packed with nutrients. Their fibre content is excellent for your stomach which helps in curing bloating.

3. Avocados

They contain generous doses of monounsaturated fat that will keep you full without causing any bloating.

4. Lentils

Not only do lentils have fibre, but they also contain carbohydrates and protein that work together to ensure you don’t feel bloated.

5. Oatmeal

Oatmeal-For-Bloating-Allow the humble oatmeal to come to the rescue when you are battling the bloat. Not only it is good for your heart health, blood pressure and blood sugar, it also fills you up without making it seem like you have a paunch.

6. Almonds

The protein present in almonds is helpful in keeping the bloat at bay.

7. Cucumbers

Summer is one of the best times to eat cucumber because of their high water content. They are low in calories and keep you fresh and light minus the feeling of bloating.

8. Tomatoes

Filled with potassium, tomatoes help your body effectively flush out excess fluid. Have them raw, cooked or as juice.

9. Watermelon

Watermelons have high water content, which make them an ideal food to consume if you want to avoid bloating.

10. Apples

Filled with flavonoids, antioxidants and dietary fibre, apples aren’t just great for your overall health. They are also known to help keep heart disease, hyper tension and diabetes in check. They also help you stay fuller longer because of the dietary fibre content.

11. Lemon juice

Add a few drops of lemon juice to water and drink it regularly. The juice flushes out the sodium from the body and even helps your digestive system work better, thereby preventing bloating.

12. Wholegrain bread

While it isn’t a good idea to consume white bread regularly, whole grain breads on the other hand will keep your blood sugar levels in check and you feeling fuller for longer thanks to the fibre content.

Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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