Does Botox Erase Existing Wrinkles?

Fine lines and wrinkles are every woman’s worst nightmare and they try every trick in the book to keep wrinkles at bay. Homemade remedies, anti-ageing creams all are tools in the war against wrinkles. Botox injections have gained popularity and notoriety at the same time in the treatment of wrinkles. Botox involves injecting botulinum toxin type A, which works on wrinkles by blocking the nerves that contract muscles thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles. One has to be completely sure that botox injections are given by a licensed professional. A lot of Bollywood beauties have to thank botox for their smooth and crease-free complexions. While we know that Botox could prevent the formation of wrinkles, can it get rid of wrinkles that have already formed? Keep reading to find out the answer to this question, does botox erase existing wrinkles?

Does Botox Erase Existing Wrinkles

How Does Botox Work?
Muscles of the face are constantly put to work when you blink, smile, talk, chew, and move the lips. Due to these constant movements, wrinkles and fine lines develop on the face when there is a fall in collagen production. When botox is injected, it softens the movement of the muscles that create facial expressions thereby diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. Botox has a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin that comes from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It blocks facial nerves that contract your muscles throughout the day. Botox injections reduce lines on the forehead, frown lines, and crow’s feet around the eyes. Botox can lift saggy skin and soften the lines around the mouth area.

One can see results from Botox after 5 to 10 days of injection and the effect can last anywhere from three to five months. To maintain the anti-wrinkle effect, you have to follow maintenance injections.

Effect of Botox on Existing Wrinkles:

Coming to the actual question, whether botox can remove existing wrinkles, and the answer is “no,” botox cannot erase out wrinkles, it can only diminish and reduce their appearance by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles that contract and cause lines and wrinkles on the face. This is the reason why Botox is so effective around the mouth area, cheeks and also around the corner of eyes, but if your skin is too mature and the wrinkles have formed due to the loss of collagen, Botox would not be able to smoothen out deep creases, just soften them out. People who get Botox are generally satisfied with the results, but it’s not a long-term solution to erase out wrinkles.


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