Oil Cleansing Method Tips

Oil Cleansing Method Tips

OCM of skin care and cleansing involves that an oil can be used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities, steam can then be used to open up pores and clear them. Usually a hot washcloth is used t gently remove the oil off the skin surface,ideally let the oil sit on your skin and meditate and let your thoughts wander off for a while, but many of us might be a little skeptical to use more oil on our oily face or might be doing the OCM in a wrong way, here are some tips to help you access what you can do best with the oil cleansing method. Know more HERE & HERE


Try these:

Oily Skin: 1/3 Castor Oil or Hazelnut Oil and 2/3 Olive or sunflower oil.
Combination Skin: 1/4 Castor or Hazelnut Oil and 3/4 Olive or Sunflower
Dry Skin: Small amount of Castor/Hazelnut Oil added to any nourishing oils.

It is normal for it to take a week or so for skin to adjust, so do not use even harsher soaps to rip off the oil from the skin, this will make the adjustment period longer, stay cool for a week and let your skin adjust.

This is best done in the evening, prior to bed. This will ensure you don’t need to deep clean in the morning, only a gentle wash or a hot towel wipe will suffice, the OCM balances the oils on the skin, we dont want to scrub even harder for more oil production.

If you have oily skin, skip olive oil and coconut oil. If you have oily acne prone skin, use neem oil or turmeric oil as a blend to your base oil.
If you want to skip castor oil for any reason, you can use sunflower, hazelnut, avocado or apricot as a base oil.

If you think your skin is acting very greasy, do not use coconut and olive oil in your blend.

You must know if you are allergic to any oil from macadamia, hazelnut and sweet almond oil.

Always use good stuff, and organic is possible.

Using slow, firm motions across the skin, massage the oil deeply into your pores. Focus n blackhead prone areas so that you can dissolve blockages and melt them away with the steam.

Sit back and relax with some music and let the oil work.

Once the oil has saturated the pores, use a warm steamed (microwaved for 20 secs works) wash cloth, a clean face towel, and let it sit on your face for a while, till it cools down, never use a cold washcloth as it will not remove the oil efficiently.

If you think your skin looks greasy do not be tempted to over scrub it, making it even worse, let it work for a week and see.

The Castor Oil will help with the removal of the other oils, as well. This is the main oil and will remove other oils and this itself gets easily removed.

For added benefit, you could use essential oils of Ylang-ylang, thyme, peppermint, geranium, rose, frankincense, or chamomile.

Wash your washcloths thoroughly, you could use baking soda as a last softener. You could also use disposable ones.

If your skin feels tight, take a tiny drop of your oil blend, rub it between your clean, damp palms and pat it onto your damp skin.

You’ll know if you’re deep cleansing too much by the dryness that your skin will show .

You might find that you unblocked an oil flow for the first few days. Once the plugs are open the skin will balance out the oil.

Note for very oily skin:

We might think oily skin is only oil on the surface, but in reality, our skin produces oil in response to the hormones your body produces. Dissolving oil from the surface of your skin cannot affect what is happening internally, inside the pore, or in your body, where these hormones are generated.

Image source 1 2 3

Oil Skin Cleansing Methods
Aroma Magic Grapeseed Oil Review
Kose Softymo Speedy Bubble Cleansing Oil Review
The Oil Cleansing Method
Aromamagic Beautiful Skin Oil Review
Aroma Magic Olive Oil
Blossom Kochhar’s Almond Under Eye Cream
A Day at Ishwar Blossom Kochhar Day Spa- Part 1
Oil Cleansing Method: DIY


10 thoughts on “Oil Cleansing Method Tips

  1. Amazing post Neha. I am waiting for winters to start with this procedure as i m skeptical to try it in this weather…
    Great post *thankyou*

  2. I use the OCM, and there really is a visible difference in my skin ever since I started. I’ve been doing it for around 3 years now.
    Good article, Neha 🙂
    And Manisha, no, you do not have to wash your face with a facewash after doing the OCM.

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    This is an inspiration for me.Even I don’t buy a single product without reading the review here.It becomes a part of my life.
    Thanks for all this and wish you even more success! *hifive*


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