How To Use Olive Oil For Thick Eyebrows: Ask IMBB

Ask IMBB Gang

Aminah Q. Asks:

I really want to make a quick inquiry in regards to the thickening of the Eyebrows. I have heard applying olive oil on the eyebrows would help and I am doing it every night before bed. So, in this case, can I do it before going to bed, just like how castor oil needs to be applied and does it have to be warm or can it be normal (cold)? and how long would it take to grow if I apply olive oil to my eyebrows every night before bed?

Thank you so much, this is all I need to know and I really desperately need answers to my question. Again, thank you so much in advance 🙂


17 thoughts on “How To Use Olive Oil For Thick Eyebrows: Ask IMBB

  1. I agree with Shreya. Castor oil is better…
    a tip-
    If you think you want to apply the oil only to your eyebrows and not its near skin, you cna use the eyebrow shaper brush that you get. dip it in the castor oil and comb your brows. 🙂
    similarly if you want to do your lashes, use the mascara brush. keep these brushes separate from your make up brushes … so you dont mix them up… and clean them regularly

    to actually see the result of the oil, you need to do it regularly every night for at least a month.

    1. i usually apply castor oil to my lashes using an eyeliner brush…i mean it’s an oil…u just need to apply some to the roots of ur lashes to see the effect.

      1. Once when I was out of my mascara, I had applied castor oil with the mascara brush to the complete lashes… and it gave a nice look… not like the long lash feel but the oily sheen gave the lashes the required open eye feeling

  2. use mascara brush for eyebrows and eyelashes. and castor oil is sure shot formula…apply at night as its greasy and thick.

  3. i heard abt beauty benefits of castor oil a lot.. but in my area only local made brands are available at medical shops which nvr convinced me… could u galz plz name me a branded or trusted castor oil manufacturer????

    m using olive oil mixed wth almond oil in 1:1 proportion to apply on my whole under eye area n very much satisfied with the results… i do this religiously evry nyt before hitting the bed for arnd 1 yr… during day i use aloe gel n m sorted…

  4. my tip is to shave. not the entire eyebrow but the part you want to be thicker. i did that it was a pain in the butt BUT at the end i got the results i wanted. i shaved a tiny part that i wanted to be thicker like 4 times and after a few weeks it looked alot better 🙂 i think thats why i barely made tutorials now that i think about it :/

  5. I use coconut oil, works like a charm. I use it on the lashes at night, keeps them thick and luscious. I can imagine they would work the same on the brows. I dont want to thicken my brows though :S

  6. Keirti, just buy any brand of castor oil from your chemist, they keep edible castor oil as a lot of doctors prescribe it as a laxative. so the edible one is safe. also since castor oil is super thick, always mix it with some olive oil. and if u have acne prone skin , mix this with some aloe gel and water and apply using a mascara brush or even an old toothbrush. i mix castor and olive oil 1:1 with some aloe gel and apply it with my finger to my eye area, brows, lashes, and under eye even. just make sure your under eye area is a bit damp, so the oil doesnt sit heavy in case u have break outs around your eye area. .

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