Is there a Pill to Stop Facial Hair Growth?

About 1 in 5 women in India suffer from a condition called hirsutism, most commonly a result of PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) which is a hormonal disease. Hirsutism is excessive facial hair growth that can cause cosmetic issues. While many temporary hair removal options like tweezing, waxing, shaving exist, such methods are short-term ways to get rid of hair and require frequent upkeep. Permanent hair removal methods like electrolysis and laser hair removal can be quite expensive and require multiple sessions to see considerable reduction in hair growth. That’s when people think about medications to get rid of hair to prevent future growth. But is there a pill to stop facial hair growth? Here are some options that should be strictly taken under the consultation of a certified doctor, never self treat yourself.

Pill to Stop Facial Hair Growth

1. Oral Contraceptives: This is the common treatment method for hirsutism in women. Birth-control pills contain have two hormones – estrogen and progestin. These female hormones prevent hair growth by inhibiting the production of androgens (male hormones) which are responsible for excessive hair growth in women. It may take around six months to see major effects with regards to hair growth. Once excessive facial hair growth is in control, it is advisable to stop taking the pills after three or four months because continuous long-term treatment might increase your risk of developing a blood clot. Some of its possible side effects include dizziness, nausea, headache, and stomach upset.

2. Anti-Androgen pill: The most commonly used anti-androgen for treating hirsutism is spironolactone. It prevents hair growth by blocking androgens from attaching to androgen receptors found within the body. It may take a month or more for anti-androgens to bring about desirable results. Also, they’re sometimes prescribed after six months on oral contraceptives if the oral contraceptives aren’t effective enough. Because these drugs can cause birth defects, it’s important to use contraception while taking them. As always, take any medication under the supervision of a certified doctor only.

3. Topical Creams: Eflornithine is a prescription cream that is used to prevent facial hair growth in women. It is applied directly to the affected area or can be used along with laser therapy for better results. Eflornithine-based creams gradually slow hair growth, but it doesn’t get rid of existing hair. Also, the results are not immediate and it may take up to two months to notice significant changes, But, if it works, you need to continue using it, as hair growth might return after eight weeks of stopping the treatment. Also, if you do not see any reduction in hair growth, stop using it after four months. Eflornithine or any other hair reduction pill is not suitable for women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding or under the age of 19. Some of its side effects are mild acne, skin redness, a burning or stinging sensation, and dry, itchy skin.

So, some pills can prevent hair growth, but you have to be on the pills to see the result and only a certified doctor can prescribe those pills, ask your doctor these hair growth reduction pills.


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