9 Tips to Lose Weight While at Work

Hello ladies,
If you have a desk job, then you definitely know the consequences of sitting at your desk all day. A research shows that people with desk jobs are more prone to obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Scary right? But worry not! Because with a little conscious effort, you can stay fit and lose weight even while at work.

9 Tips to Lose Weight While at Work

1. Ditch sugary drinks

Whether it is your everyday diet coke, energy drinks, soda, mochas or your all-time favorite coffee, ditch them all. Not only do these drinks add up to your calorie intake, but also decrease your overall productivity and cause unwanted damage to your heart and digestive system.

2. Stack up on healthier choices

green tea
Swap your coffee for green tea. The overall benefits of green tea are no more alien to anyone. If chocolate is a must have, make sure it is a dark chocolate which is healthier. Say yes to vegetables and fruits, especially ones that are enriched with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps lower production of stress hormones that have a direct relation with weight gain.

3. Avoid the vending machine

The vending machine is a clear weight gain culprit. It rarely has anything healthy. The available options mostly contain artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, all of which contribute to a number of health issues.

4. Drink lots of water

drink water
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep you alert and hydrated. It also makes you feel full and prevents premature hunger and cravings. Switch to water instead of cold drinks. I know it is going to be really difficult to resist your temptations but once you do, you’ll surely love the results.

5. Get out of the chair often

Make it a point to get out of your chair every 30 minutes or so. When you have to talk to a colleague, walk up to them instead of shooting a mail or call. Walk while you have to attend calls. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or take a walk while moving within the premises. Move while waiting for a website to load or a document to download.

6. Pack your lunch

pack your lunch
Taking your own lunch and snacks rules out the option of eating out or even using the vending machine. By packing your own nutritious meal at home, you can combat cravings, avoid overeating and check your calorie intake.

7. Cut down on stress

Reducing stress has been proven to help lose weight. This is because of the stress hormone cortisol which is known to store fat. Try the breathing techniques to stay calm.

8. Walk to work

If the distance permits, opt to walk regularly to work instead of driving all the way. If covering the distance without a vehicle is difficult, make it a point to at least walk some distance and then take public transport.

9. Exercise while at the desk

light exercise
The best and most effective way is to work out at work. Leg adduction, leg extensions, chair squats, hamstring stretches are some of the options you can try. Squeeze your glutes and hold for about 5 seconds. Do this every couple of minutes.

So let your desk jobs not sabotage your health goals and add up to your effort instead. Stay fit, stay beautiful.

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2 thoughts on “9 Tips to Lose Weight While at Work

    1. Hey Lana!
      Thank you so much! I am glad you like it. I read your blog often.. You are going really good!!! 🙂

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