How to Take Care of Your Eyes

take care of your eyesHow to Take Care of Your Eyes

The eyes, I believe are the most beautiful feature on a woman’s face. They don’t just serve the purpose of seeing, but also reflect our moods. They are the most expressive asset that god has gifted us. The eyes can be playful and bring lots of excitement on a dull face.
In-fact, a majority of women use their eyes to flirt (well that includes me too; ) ). And i believe it is equally our responsibility to take care of our most precious asset.
The stressful life that we live, where our eyes are subjected to the computer screen for hours continuously and uncontrolled pollution levels, if proper care is not taken, it might lead to innumerable eye problems like blurriness and drying of eye to name just a few.
Here is a compilation of things, that I believe, we should keep in mind to protect our assets:
1. Regular eye check up: It is recommended that you should pay visit to an eye doctor every 3 months.
2. Exercise your eye muscles: While working or otherwise also one should exercise the eye muscles regularly. Don’t see the screen continuously. Try to focus on far off objects regularly.
  • First of all, washing your hands regularly is something you need to do first.
  • You can rub your palms, to generate heat. Close your eyes and place your palms such that you should not apply too much pressure on your eye ball.
  • Move your eyes in such a manner that you can draw “8” with them.
  • Move your eye upwards and downwards as far as possible. Repeat for 6-8 times. Blink few times to relax eye muscles. Repeat the exercise for right and left.
  • Massage your eyes: Take two towels. Wet one in hot water and the other in cold water. Now press them slightly on the eyes alternately. But remember to end with the cold compress. For your eye lids, close your eyes and move your fingers in a circular motion over your eye lids. Make sure that you don’t apply too much pressure and your fingers are clean.
Video- Computer Eye Strain Eye Exercises:

3. Ensure that your diet includes vitamin A , B complex and  vitamin C: that means  you should include lots of carrots, spinach, oranges, pumpkin, apricot, peaches, milk, pomegranate, beet root, apples, cod liver oil, cereal, nuts, liver and Amla. Vitamin B complex ensures redness is reduced and is also good for eyes sensitive to light. A healthy diet ensures healthy mucous membrane which line our tear glands and tear ducts.
take care of your eyes4. Careful choice of make-up: one should choose make-up products which are non-irritant. Replace make –up after every 6 months to avoid bacterial infection. Avoid direct contact of the cosmetic like liner with internal surface of eye. Also, in case you are using eye pencils, do ensure that they are well sharpened in order to avoid scratching of eye lid.
5. After an eye infection always use fresh make–up.
6. Make sure that you clean all traces of make-up from your eye. The best bet would be, a cotton ball dipped in baby oil or olive oil.
7. Light and eyes: while working or reading make sure that you are seated in a well light room. Avoid direct exposure of sunlight as U.V rays can be harmful for our eyes. Wear glares to protect your eyes from sunlight.
8. Don’t rub your eyes: in case of irritation, don’t rub your eyes. Rather, splash water or blink your eye. This will generate tears which would help to get rid of foreign particle.
9. Drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol. This would make sure that you don’t have redness or puffiness.
10. Cotton pads dipped in cold water can help relax your eyes. So can freshly steeped tea bag ( use it after cooling) or cucumber slices( this would help to reduce puffiness) and even potato slices( they help in tightening eye bags as well as  it helps in eliminating dark circles).
11. Splashing eyes with cold tea solution also relaxes eyes as well as reduce puffiness. Drinking green tea also helps in preventing cataract. Fennel tea is good for treating Conjunctivitis (see blog on herbal tea).
12. Apply warm olive oil or castor oil with the help of a cotton ball to your eye lashes and eye brows. This will encourage hair growth.
13. Last but not the least. Make sure you have a nice, 8 hour beauty sleep.
So, there, following the aforementioned steps would ensure that you have a healthy regimen for your very beautiful eyes.

Also Read:

Eyes: Eye Makeup for Older Women
Eyes: How to Choose Eyeshadow Color
Eye Care – Ways To Reduce Stress On Eyes


19 thoughts on “How to Take Care of Your Eyes

    1. ya true thats because the rays emitted from our computer screen can damage our eye sight badly as well as make them dry. so if we keep a check its good. after all prevention is better than cure. :))

    1. You can use castor oil or simple old vaseline on them every night before sleeping. Also use good quality eye makeup esp. mascara, never use expired makeup products and always remove all traces of makeup before sleeping. Hope that helps!

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