How to Get Rid of Age Spots with Hydrogen Peroxide

Hii IMBBians,

Ageing is a natural process but you definitely don’t want the world to know about it. Age spots are an evident and natural way which screams to the world that you are ageing. There are numerous treatments available to treat your ageing spots but most of them cost a fortune. So, how about going the inexpensive way? Hydrogen peroxide is an easy peasy and inexpensive way which will help you in getting rid of age spots with time and this can very easily be done in the comfort of your home. Age spots are actually a result of constant sun exposure. They also occur because of serious pigmentation issues. Whatever be the cause, Hydrogen peroxide is equally effective on all of them. Let’s find out how you can use hydrogen peroxide on your age spots.

I am beautiful

1. Apply directly:

Blue alcohol for wash wound in glass and cotton

Pour a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton and apply it directly on the age spot. Make sure that it does not drip down all over your face as this might cause a slight burning sensation for 10 minutes. But that’s completely fine. It will appear white initially. After some days, it will appear light pink. And then within 10 days, it will fall off.

2. With baking soda:

Close up of baking soda in a glass jar Bicarbonate of soda

Take one spoon of baking soda and one spoon of hydrogen peroxide and mix them in a bowl. Pat your face dry and apply it all over your face. Let it dry for at least 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. Follow up with a moisturizer.

3. Glycerin and lemon juice:

Take three tablespoons of baking soda, a pinch of salt, one cup each of hydrogen peroxide and glycerin and one lemon freshly squeezed. Initially, this can cause a bit of irritation or burning sensation. If you find it intolerable, then immediately wash off your face and if you are fine to go ahead with it, then just let it stay. Wash off once it dries out.

4. Creams:

A woman applying a white cream from a bottle

Do you know that there are a number of skin lightening creams available in the market which contain hydrogen peroxide? You can use them as per the given instructions but don’t forget to take your dermatologist’s advice before using the cream.

Hydrogen peroxide is a very strong solution. So, use it very carefully and it is advisable to take only a small quantity and then use it. Also, hydrogen peroxide should be used only when the area is small. If you intend to use it on a larger area, then the best thing is to consult a dermatologist or seek professional help.

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