Skincare Habits to follow in 20s to Get Amazing Skin for the Rest of your Life!

Hello lovelies,

How are you all doing, puja is here and my city is nearly all decked with lights and colourful decorations and the pandals are done, it’s such a nice and puja-ish feeling here, you could feel it in the air, I do. Today I am doing a post on maintaining certain habits in your 20s which will help your skin be healthier and younger even in your later ages. These are some habits which we all know, but then they are called habits for a reason. Using and abusing skin and health will obviously take a toll on your overall being which will become visible slowly. Once you go beyond the repair stage/age, no matter what you do you cannot regain the younger skin. So it is really important to maintain a healthy lifestyle or practices from a very early age, and to do things in moderation. Here I will share some habits which need to be controlled for a better skin.

1. Avoid Alcohol and Sweet Beverages: avoid over drinking, and absolutely stop regular or everyday drinking, if you are doing so. Alcohol over a prolonged period of intake takes a toll on the health, and the first signs can be seen on the skin. Occasionally it is okay but not on a regular basis.

2. Stop smoking- smoking is absolutely strict No-No. This practice doesn’t even need a year or months to show on your skin, maybe a couple of months and your skin and lips starts drying. Regular smokers have a very dry and lifeless looking skin and the lips are the same. Not only is it injurious to health but drastically suicidal for skin.


3. Regular late night parties/work shifts – you might think that 7-8 hour sleep all total should be okay, but no it is not the case. Our body knows the difference between day and night even in complete cut-off from outer world room without a clock. So it is very important that you give your body proper sleep at night.

4. Avoid Coffee first thing in the Morning: Yes, I know, guilty here myself, but this is sadly a bad habit. If the first that you take in is coffee, then you have to stop, and if it is black then you should. Coffee is slightly acidic so avoid going after it the first thing in the morning. Also try to fall a little out of love with coffee 


5. Avoid Junk and Processed Food: This probably our parents have been trying to drill into our brains forever. Unhealthy eating habits or routine have a drastic and immediate effect on our skin and if we continue to disrespect our skin that way, then the effect will become tough to rid off. I eat oily for 2 days continuous and pops up one pimple. Follow a more healthy diet and routine. Drink sufficient water every day.


6. Include workout in your life: Exercise makes you sweat, and through sweating your skin flushes out the toxins. So it is really important to have proper workout.

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7. Avoid Experimenting with Skincare and Makeup Products Too Much: Don’t blindly follow fad bleach or facial or some new thing in the market. Research, what it is, do you really need this. And if you don’t then best skip it. I personally do not support or like bleach of face, I tried once and wasn’t comfortable with it at all. I know overtime it does give your skin a not so young feel.

8. Follow a proper make-up ritual- If you are make-up fanatic, then you also must know that make-up can only show what’s underneath. So remove make-up all kinds before going to bed. Make sure your skin gets a sufficient breathing time, where it is completely devoid of any make-up.


9. Nourish your skin by using herbal products and natural treats of fruits and oils. Expose yourself to natural sunlight for sufficient time. Over time with age there will be unavoidable change in the skin but, it can be taken care of to an extent. Following a regular healthy and nourishing habit towards your skin will keep it healthy for long time. Hope you enjoyed reading the post, love all.

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5 thoughts on “Skincare Habits to follow in 20s to Get Amazing Skin for the Rest of your Life!

    1. I know, I have been there myself quite a few times. The biggest step to make up our minds to religiously follow the routine 🙁 It takes a lot of patience but pretty much worth it at the end 🙂 do find time for it Abinaya 🙂

  1. I am happy that I don’t do a lot of these things (except workout). I used to have caffeine addiction, but now have overcome that too. I have realised that too much sugar can hamper our skin too, so have given up on that as well. Loved reading it Nancy. 🙂

    1. yes Shikha, you are right sugar does hamper our skin, i still have to win that battle.. 🙁 thanks Shikha glad you liked it 🙂

  2. Fantastic post! I would also like to add one more important tip – MOISTURISE! Even if u have acne prone skin. Moisturising will ensure that ur skins oils are balanced n will lead to glowing happy skin 🙂

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