Train Harder on Weekends – Here is Why

Train Harder on Weekends – Here is Why

Cidra K.

Hello Ladies!!

Sometimes all we need in life is a little push especially with our workouts!! I thought this would be an interesting way to encourage everyone to workout, especially the ones who tend to give up very easily!! You are going to feel the pain anyway, even if you stop!! So, why not just get a reward from it?



When you feel like quitting, think about why you started!

People who exercise on a daily basis usually go through upโ€™s and downโ€™s with their exercise regimens. When you come across a down point, you are more likely to give up, be lethargic and stop working out, but that is the time for you to push yourself even harder. When you push yourself into doing what you donโ€™t want to do, your workouts will enhance, your downs will turn into ups and you will never have to go through them again. Training harder and being able to see results will motivate you even more and encourage you to unravel the energy within and improve your health overall. The advantage of putting more efforts into your workouts is evidently the one that you are aspiring towards and there are a lot of ways that help you achieve them.
Get Motivated: Get motivated and you will notice that you will be working even harder, getting into the zone and enhancing your workout sessions making a happier and healthier you. There are a number of ways that you can motivate yourself to work out, it can either be to look good for an upcoming event or just for personal satisfaction and health, all of it works!
One of the finest ways to get motivated is to have a workout partner; you could have your friend, cousin or even your husband working out with you. A trainer can also be appointed; it is all about personal choice. Some people like working out at home while some prefer the gym; choose what suits your preferences. You only need someone to push you harder when you are on the verge of giving up. Encourage each other and you will soon be in the shape you desire!

I need a workout buddy! ย Is anyone available? ๐Ÿ˜€

Set level-headed goals: When you set goals for yourself, you tend to push yourself so as to achieve it on a particular day, because you want to reach somewhere by the end of it. It is a great way to keeping yourself inspired, however, keep in mind that the goals you set must be realistic. It certainly isnโ€™t harmful to push yourself beyond limits; however, it must be ensured that the goals you set are practical enough in order to go on further.


To be able to keep an eye on your progress levels is an important asset which lets you see the results of the extra work you are putting in and analyze the areas that need improvement. Starting out a little easier will help you get used to the setting, analyzing and getting to your goals and are also a sign that you will be more inspired to work harder once you get the hang of it. Try to make your goals difficult with time and make sure they can be measured so as to keep track of your progress levels.

Keep up with your diets: One of the most common things that we notice while working out is that we wish to eat a lot of food and you must use your diet to foil with your workout routines. By eating right and maintaining a healthy diet, you will notice that you can push your bodies to new levels of fitness and it has been proven scientifically that good food has a direct influence of how you train. This also incorporates your recovery time and the probability of injuries.


Habituate Yourself to working out and Reward Yourself: Try not to miss out a work out session, if you could not manage to do it at a specific time, try doing it later in the day. Always make up for it, as it can impact the effectivity of your workouts. Think of your workouts as meetings youโ€™ve scheduled with yourself, that bosses donโ€™t cancel. One of the best things to keeping motivated is rewarding oneself, even though the best way to reward yourself could be by binging on the sweeter things in life that would detriment all your hard work. Instead go for some healthier treats or pay a visit to the spa, it is a great way to relax yourself and unwind.

Stay Motivated, Train Harder, And Get Fitter!

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14 thoughts on “Train Harder on Weekends – Here is Why

  1. Thanks for the motivation cidra. We all need it at times. And the first caption on this post, hmm definitely some food for thought.

  2. Oohw. So nicely written. I guess all of us needed dis to push ourslf for workouts n evn a push for hard times in life. Thank u cidra n such nice quotes u hav choosen. Really motivating!

  3. Very Inspirational. i’ll try and come back time and again to get the boost when i am on the verge of giving up.Thanks Cidra ๐Ÿ™‚

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