How Vitamin B Can Help you Lose Weight

It’s no secret that weight loss can only be achieved by following a good diet and an active lifestyle, but there are certain factors that can speed up the weight loss. Certain vitamins and nutrients do help in accelerating the weight loss process, but relying entirely on one mode or one nutrient to shed some pounds is neither prudent nor realistic. A proper lifestyle with perfect balance of diet, nutrition, and exercise only will help you get to the goal weight or body shape you desire. In the previous post, we had talked about how vitamin D can help you with weight loss, and in this post, we will cover everything you need to know regarding how vitamin B can help you lose weight.

How Vitamin B Can Help you Lose Weight

What are the Functions of Vitamin B?

The B group of vitamins are essential to run the metabolic processes in the body smoothly.
1. Important in the synthesis of DNA.
2. Helps convert fat and protein into energy source.
3. Breaks down carbohydrates.
4. Boosts metabolism.
5. Essential in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
6. To maintain healthy nerve cells.
7. Required for the healthy functioning of immune system.

Types of Vitamin B:

There are eight types of vitamin B – B1, B2, B6, and B12.

  • Vitamin B1, also called as thiamine, boosts metabolism and helps with metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. Sources of vitamin B1 – Whole grain bread, rice, eggs, cereals, peanuts, mushroom, spinach, green peas.
  • Vitamin B2, also called as riboflavin is also involved in the metabolization of carbohydrates, fat, protein. It also helps in absorption of other B proteins. Sources of vitamin B2 – Cereals, egg, cabbage, nuts, tomato, milk.
  • Vitamin B3, also called niacin, helps with normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves blood circulation, and can also lower cholesterol level. It breaks down food into energy. Sources of vitamin B3- Nuts, legumes, fish, meat, diary are good sources of vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B5, also called, as pantothenic acid, is needed for the breakdown of carbs and fat to release energy in the body. It is also needed for synthesis of hormones. Sources of vitamin B5 – Egg yolk, yeast, legumes, sunflower oil, cereals.
  • Vitamin B6, also called as pyridoxine, helps to balance electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. It is needed to breakdown and use of amino acids. It also breaks down fat in the body. It also is needed for the synthesis of red blood cells and in the conversion of tryptophan to an essential vitamin “niacin.” Vitamin B6, is essential for protein metabolism and also in the smooth running of immune system.  Vitamin B6 deficiency can lower your body’s ability to fight infections. We all know how a strong immune system aids in weight loss – you can read all about it in detail in this post here. Vitamin b6 also reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 also helps regulate blood sugar levels and it is needed to convert stored carbohydrate to glucose to regulate normal blood sugar levels. Sources of vitamin B6 – eggs, broccoli, bananas, chicken, spinach, soybeans, potatoes, nuts.
  • Vitamin B7, is popularly known, as biotin, and is important for metabolism and for strong immune system. It is also needed for healthy hair and strong nails. Banana, walnut, almonds, eggs, are all good sources of B7.
  • Vitamin B9, also called as, folic acid, is needed for release of energy from protein, and helps with synthesis of new cells. Along with B1 and B12, and iron, it forms red blood cells, important for healthy circulatory system. Sources of B9 – Green peas, eggs, lentils, avocado, chickpeas are all good source of vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin B12, which our body cannot synthesize B12 on its own, is a water-soluble vitamin and also called cobalamin, required for normal functioning of brain and nervous system. It’s the most important B vitamin that helps with weight loss because it converts nutrients into energy instead of fat. It helps convert protein and fat into energy. Vitamin B12 deficiency is commonly found in vegetarians because most B12 comes from animal sources such as fish and eggs. Cheese and milk also have good amount of vitamin B12 as well.

Out of these, vitamin B6 and B12 are considered to help with weight loss, but first, let’s find out more details about the entire set of vitamin B.

How Vitamin B Helps with Weight Loss:

1. A person with a good metabolism tends to burn calories faster and more efficiently and such a person would hardly put on weight and in fact, lose weight quickly too. Vitamin B6 and B12 are thought to help boost metabolism and help with weight loss process. During cardio exercises, where body burns calories and fat, a strong respiratory and circulatory system will only aid in efficient burning of calories, and low levels of B12, may result in weak circulation due to anemia and slow metabolism which would prevent you from burning calories through the day. Read more about how a good metabolism can help with weight loss.
2. Vitamin B6 and B12 are considered to help in breaking down and burning of carbs and sugar, and also in boosting metabolism.
3. Vitamin B helps improve the circulatory system which helps in preventing you from getting fatigued or exhausted during exercise.
4. Vitamin B6 boots immunity and a healthy immunity is directly related to weight loss. Read how a good immune system can help with weight loss here.

Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin B:

Vitamin B1: 1.2 gm.
Vitamin B2: 1.3 mg.
Vitamin B3: 16 mg.
Vitamin B5: 5 to 10 mg/day.
Vitamin B6: 1.3 to 1.7 mg.
Vitamin B7: 30 ug
Vitamin B9: 400 ug
Vitamin B12: 2.4 mcg per day.

Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency:
1. Lethargy.
2. Fatigue.
3. Anemia.
4. Shortness of breath.
5. Impaired immune system.
6. Depression
7. Muscle weakness.
8. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet.
9. Anxiety.
10. Headaches.

How To Get More Vitamin B?

1. Through healthy diet: A healthy diet where nutrition is given importance will only help you lose weight. Vitamins, minerals, are all important in the smooth functioning of body and high metabolism. Any deficiency would throw you off the track. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, legumes, eggs, whole grains, dairy products, fish and meat all provide good amount of vitamin B. And that’s why Rati Beauty diet programs make ample use of these products so that you do not fall short of any of these nutrients while dieting.
2. Through supplements: Vitamin B complex is prescribed by the doctor and should be taken under the strict guidance of a physician. No one should indulge in self medication because an overdose will prove detrimental for your health.
3. Fortified food products – especially for vegetarians who do not get vitamin B from animal sources. Certain brands add fortified vitamins in their products.

Summing up, Vitamin B6 and B12 are considered to help in breaking down and burning of carbs and sugar, and also in boosting metabolism.

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