Yoga For Healthy Hair

Hello superwomen!!

All of us are juggling academic/professional lives with our personal ones and rocking it! Not to forget that we the dedicated IMBBians look amazing too! 😀

Shiny healthy hair is a key asset for a woman, and while we use numerous masks, conditioners, oils to retain the gorgeous hair, we often forget the internal care. Besides balanced diet, sound sleep and stress free life, I would like to share with you some asanas which can enhance your hair vitality, reduce drastic hair loss and promote regrowth. Not only these promote hair rejuvenation and growth, you can reap the proven benefits these asanas have on your body.

Keep reading!

Luxury of beautiful brunette long healthy female hair

Balayam Yoga: You might have seen Baba Ramdev advocating this! The simplest asana which can be done anywhere. Curl the fingers of both hands inwards towards your palm. Bring the nails of both hands in contact with each other and start rubbing vigorously (leave out the thumbnails). Keep rubbing continuously for 5-7 mins at a stretch. Do daily for assured results.

Vajrasana: This asana is proven to have many health benefits including better digestion and relaxation. Both of these directly influence hair health. Kneel down on the floor, keeping your knees, big toes and ankles parallel to each other and touching the ground. Place your palms on the knees and keep your spine straight. Look in the front or keep your eyes closed. Relax. You can do this at any time of the day.


Uttanasana (Forward bend pose): Stand straight with your legs close to each other touching your knees, heels, feet and toes. Inhale deeply. While exhaling, lift up your hands and bend forward, until your fingers and hands touch the floor. Hold on to this position with some normal breathing. To release this pose, inhale in deeply and stand back straight.

Standing Forward Bend Yoga

Matsyasana(Fish pose): Lie down straight on the floor with your legs together, both your hands should be at the back of your thighs with palms facing downwards. Applying pressure on your elbows, pull the mid portion of the upper torso, lowering your head backwards such that the crown touches the ground. An arch forms between the hips and crown. Inhale deeply. It helps in stress relief and better circulation to your head.


Uttanpadasana (Raised foot pose): Lie on your back, your hands besides your thighs and palms resting on the ground. Stretch your body and keep it taut. Inhale and slowly raise both legs, applying pressure on both hands. Try to hold them at an angle of 60 degrees from the ground. Lower your legs to the original position. Repeat 5 times at least 3-4 days a week. This eliminates constipation and gastric troubles, the root cause of many hair problems.


Ustrasana(Camel pose):It is excellent for stimulation and rejuvenation of the hair blood follicles. Sit on your knees on the ground. Keepyour hands on the waist with the thumbs behind. Raise your body and hold the feet with your hands. Hold the position for thirty seconds for best results.


Kapalbhati pranayama: Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. Keep the spine straight and close the eyes. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee. Breathe deeply and exhale with forcefully, so that your stomach goes deep inside. Exhale with a hissing sound. It is effective in treating stomach and kidney troubles, along with detoxification your body.


With these simple and effective asanas, you can surely be the owner of those lustrous locks you crave!

Yoga To Boost Your Hair Growth
Top Secrets For Long, Thick and Shiny Hair
Yoga for Skin – 7 Best Poses for Radiant and Glowing Skin
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One thought on “Yoga For Healthy Hair

  1. I used to take yoga classes which I miss now. The great part about these asanas is that they are some of the easiest one. 🙂

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