Achieving a Flat Belly – What Should You Eat?

Hello everyone!
Being healthy and fit is a journey which I started more than a year back. Before I began this journey I easily fell prey to fads like liquid diet and other extreme diets and starved myself only to end up feeling tired and fatigued at the end of it. Not to mention the harmful effects such diets had on my skin and hair. Starving in fact leaves you with all the more body fat since it messes your blood sugar levels and makes your body store fat in the abdomen region. So basically these diets are counterproductive and defeat their original intent which is losing fat.


Many of us suffer from excess fat in the abdomen area and the reasons could be either genetic, poor metabolism or tendency to have a bloated stomach. We can fight these preconditions simply by making a few changes in our lifestyle one of which is including certain fat-fighting foods in our diet and eliminating the culprits. Here is a guide to a list of foods you can incorporate in your diet that aid your body and accelerate the process of achieving a flat tummy right out of a magazine.


Yoghurt and Curd contains probiotic bacteria which helps in keeping your digestive system healthy and also prevents your belly from getting bloated. The calcium present in yoghurt as opposed to milk especially helps burn more fat around the belly region.


Citrus fruits:

Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges contain high amounts of Vitamin C which in turn has a fat burning quality. By including warm lemon water or orange juice in your diet you can give a kick start to your metabolism.


Avocados or Butter fruit contain healthy monounsaturated fats which target burning fat in your abdominal area. It also contains a lot of fiber which keeps you full for a longer time and makes your digestive system running smoothly.


Green leafy vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables like Spinach, Lettuce, Broccoli, etc are not only extremely low in calories and high on fiber but they also contain a lot of essential vitamins and minerals that help ease water retention in our body.

Walnuts and Almonds:

Nuts like walnuts and almonds are very good sources of protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats for our body that will keep you full for a longer time and burn fat too. Good news, almonds in particular block fat deposition in the body. Hurray! So make it a habit to start your day with a handful of soaked almonds.


Eggs are good sources of lean protein and starting your day with eggs prevents you from getting very hungry throughout the day as it keeps you satisfied. They also have a good balance of amino acids that help build muscle in our body.



Berries like strawberries, blueberries, etc. helps blood flow which aids in contracting your muscle efficiently during workout. Additionally they are good sources of antioxidants and are full of fiber which will keep your digestive system running swiftly.

Green Tea:

Green Tea contains compounds called catechins that increase release of fat from cells and speed up burning of fat by liver. Great reason to replace your black tea/coffee with a cup of green tea!



Spices like ginger, cinnamon, garlic and chilies have thermogenic benefits which essentially means they open up blood vessels and significantly boost your metabolism and body’s fat burning abilities.


Beans such as Kidney beans, black-eyed beans, etc. are excellent sources of protein and they speed up your metabolism to a huge extent since your body uses energy to digest the protein contained in beans.

Whole wheat:

Opting for whole wheat breads and flours can give your body a lot more fiber than refined sources of flour which will in turn reduce your bloated belly by keeping your metabolism high. Additionally, foods like oatmeal and quinoa are also high in fiber and the complex carbohydrates in them keep you satisfied for a long time.

So what are you waiting for? Instead of drooling over Deepika’s amazing abs, why not make an effort to achieve one yourself. Also remember to support your diet with a healthy exercise regimen. All the best!

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