How to Even Out Your Skin Tone : Ask IMBB

Ask IMBB Gang

Neha Asks:

I don’t use any makeup except 1 cream which I have been using for past 2 yrs that is vicco turmeric .ย  I must admit its greatย  but my skin as some people say it is dry, a few say it is oily . I myself feel that it is a combination, its complexion is really not constant. It sometimes is wheatish and glowing but sometimes it so dull and dark :(:( .. although I am not very fair not dark but i just don’t understand why my skin changes its colorย  and that too without any such recognizable factors ..(i do tan a lot and sun is really a big trouble for my skin even if I stand for few minutes in sun )

I want to have a constant complexion which my skin is ofย  I don know which cream would best suit my skin ..I have seen reviews about these two creams :

now I want a genuine advice which one should I settle with ?

As I don’t use any sunscreen yet .So I really need them ?? Yes my sun exposure is quite very long, going to college, waiting for bus in sun but never tried any sunscreen although I always desired to ๐Ÿ™
I am very scared of using anything that would backfire making my skin more dull n dark .. as I read in some of the comments .

Further Readings:


13 thoughts on “How to Even Out Your Skin Tone : Ask IMBB

  1. I would suggest Touch and Glow….I am using it since 10 days and liking it so far.
    And please do use a sunscreen regularly…..even when you are indoors. Sun rays-most common reason for uneven skin tone.
    Go for a higher SPF if you have long-exposure hours in sun. And reapply sunscreen after 2-3 hours.
    Hope this helps!! :-)) :-))

  2. hi neha
    i too tan easily but i dont wear sunscreen
    i use lacto calamine never face direct sun
    touch and glow has a lotion as well in case u prefer lotion over creams

    use cucumber and potato (grated every day)
    it is magical to even put skin Neha

    i hope i helped a bit :-))

  3. Hi Neha, I tan really quickly as well, so here’s wat I do.
    I have combi-dry skin and I always make sure to use a sunscreen immeadiately after my lotiion sinks into my skin.Try lotus herbals anti tan gel spf 30 pa ++.It really does prevent tanning but since its a gel it will not make ur skin greasy or dark.
    Another trick that has worked 4 me is to apply raw milk on all exposed parts of the body after you’ve been out in the sun.Let it sit for atleast 15 mins reapplying if it dries and you will see the skin turning an even color with a nice glow.Hope it helps ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
    Phew that was Sooo long ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Hi Im sure the change in complexion is because of tan. Use a good sunscreen when you leave the house, I use Lotus its really great. I used to use vicco turmeric for sometime and it really tans the skin. Apply a good scrub (walnut or apricot, you can use steves or everyouth) once a week. This will remove dead skin. If not for sunscreen find a daily wear cream or lotion with sunscreen.

  5. I also started using touch n glow after reading the review here N i’m glad i did. just love it.
    N u shd use sunscreen if u’v exposure to sun.

  6. I think your uneven skin tone is due to sun exposure….I think u should not skip sun screen…there r so many options available- Lakme, Himalaya, Lotus etc, which r not so expensive , so u can experiment till u find the one which suits u ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Hey

    My sister had bad depigmentation on her gol-mol cheeks for months! We tried the Biotique coconut milk and it took a while but worked wonders! Sunscreen is a must – the higher the SPF the better. Ive heard (and in the process of trying) that plain curd is good to remove tan. I tan as hell so I’ll try anything! ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. hi neha…i too had similar probs in my coll days…gud dat u startd noticing early…i think u must use a sunscreen/sunblock…while i was in coll i had a big time sun exposure n it gave me slight tanning…i am quite fair n so it disturbs alt to see sm parts of ur body dark (tanned) and some fair….so plz plz plz use sunscreen n protect ur skin frm sun in ev possible way. trust me it takes to alot to remove da tan so better protect dan cure….also do ex foliate ur skin regularly…n u ll start noticing da diff….

  9. I’m like 5 different colors and seriously considering going to a tanning salon. If you don’t mind getting tanner to get even skin, I’d suggest that for you too!

    Otherwise, you can try Glycolic Acid (made my skin lighter, but gave me cystic acne…ouch) or a diluted lemon juice or Almond powder mixed with yogurt and oats as a pack.

  10. @ All … thanks a lot to all ppl ๐Ÿ™‚
    sorry fr the delay but had my xamz on my head .. wud definitely go acc to these suggestions n wud put my reviews for furthur helps ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. @ devie ..
    No thanks dear .. just want to get my natural color back which i love most on me .. don want to get any glycolic treatment to get lighter in complexion ๐Ÿ˜ .. i don like to be more fair than I am right now .. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Rather my skiin being sensitive .. i choose products after 1000 thoughts :-((

  12. Hey even i am experiencing same problem like skin doesn suit any sunscreen lotion…so im in a fix wat to do…also im having big pores in my skin…kindly advice what to do..

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