O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel Review

Hello all,

Today, I will be reviewing O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel.  O3+ has an amazing range of professional skin care products that have never got bad reviews. It is one of the very few brands in India, that have peels and microdermabrasion kits. I bought this peel for my mom so that she could get rid of the pigmentation on her face. Since this is a 4% Kojic Acid peel, which is less concentrated as compared to the concentration of the peels that doctors use for treating skin, I was sure I could use it at home with some care.

O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel

Concern – Skin lightening, D-tan.
Skin Type – Pigmentated, Dull, Tanned Skin.
Benefits – Brightens and Whitens the skin.

Product Details:

The Kojic Acid Peel acts as a skin lightener. This peel brightens and whitens the skin and can be used independently or with the combination of BHA and Lactic peel. Surface skin lightening can be achieved by salon treatments with the use of o3+ Kojic Acid.


Rs. 3350/-

O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel

My Take on O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel:

The principal use of the Kojic acid peel is to lighten or brighten skin and also importantly to reduce pigmentation. I will guide you in 5 simple steps to use the peel at home without any side-effects.

Step 1:


It is extremely important to cleanse your skin properly before using the peel. Use a good cleanser on your face to remove every trace of makeup. Also make sure that your pores are clear. Do not exfoliate your face before doing the peel or perform any procedures like waxing/threading/hair removal/bleach.

Step 2:


Take liberal amount of de-greasing solution and prep your face with it. This will also remove any residue or oils from the surface of the skin. It also enables the peel to penetrate deeper and more effectively into the skin. There are many de-greasing solutions in the market, you could use any.

O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel

Step 3:

Peel solution:

Apply the peel solution evenly on the skin in circular motion. I use a fan brush to apply the peel. There are many mask and peel applicator brushes in the market. Many people use cotton pads, cotton buds and flat foundation brushes too for applying the solution, it is just personal comfort.  After applying the solution on the skin, I leave it for around 5-10 minutes since it is of mild concentration. Do not touch your skin with fingers while performing this. Also, do not apply the solution with fingers. A slight tingly sensation might be felt after applying the solution which is perfectly normal.

Step 4:


Since the solution is an acid, it has to be neutralized with a base to stop its action. There are many neutralizer solutions in the market but they can be used for peels of concentration higher than 15%. Since this peel is just 4%, I prefer to use a homemade base which is a solution of baking soda and water.  To make this neutralizer solution, simply mix two spoonfuls of baking soda with water. Dip a cotton pad into this solution and wipe the skin with it. Some people might have a tingly sensation after the neutralizer is applied, that is common too.

O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel

Step 5:


A face mask is used after neutralization to soothe the skin. Preferably an ultra-cooling, soothing, anti-inflammatory mask is recommended. Organic Aloe Vera gel also works great to reduce irritation and redness if any. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and wash off.

Step 6:


Since the peel tends make the skin dry and vulnerable to getting easily burnt in the sun, moisturize immediately and apply liberal amount of sunscreen. Make sure to not skip these two for at least the following week. Going out in harsh sun immediately could be a problem. Always carry a sunscreen with you.

This peel does not cause drying or inflammation. There is slight redness post-peel but that is very normal. Since the concentration is very less, no peeling of the skin occurs.

It is advised to not use soap/face-wash to clean the skin for 12 hours after the peel. After 12 hours, I wash my face and apply my moisturizer and sunscreen. Avoid makeup for at least 48 hours after the peel.  The peel does not require any professional care if you follow all the steps I listed above perfectly. I don’t think a peel of this concentration could cause any side-effects to your skin, so it is safe to try.

The peel brightens the skin and makes skin very smooth. Your skin will be on the road to being spot free. It fades away spots with every use and definitely reduces pigmentation. It evens out skin tone and also removes tan to a good amount. It makes the skin fresh and glowing. It has definitely improved my mom’s skin a lot. It also smoothens fine lines and wrinkles to an extent. Skin is tighter and full of life.  It is advisable to use this once in 3 weeks.

A few important things to remember:

  • Always moisturize the skin after the peel or it could cause drying.
  • Use a good sunscreen and apply it liberally whenever needed.
  • It is not advisable to use the solution close to the eyes.
  • If you experience any burning sensation that becomes unbearable, immediately neutralize the peel.
  • If redness and irritation does not reduce, use aloe vera or soothing gel.
  • Do not use the peel very frequently as it makes skin very sensitive and prone to getting burnt. Use it after 21 days.
  • Do not wash the face for at least 12 hours after the peel.
  • Do not let the peel stay on the face for more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not go out into harsh sunlight immediately after the peel, it will burn your skin.
  • Do not apply any makeup for 48 hours.
  • Do not touch the peel solution with fingers during application.
  • If you experience slight burning after the solution is applied, fan your face to your comfort.
  • Do not use the peel for at least one week after performing procedures like waxing/bleaching/threading/hair-removal on the face.

I sincerely advise you to keep these points in mind before trying this peel at home.

Pros of O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel:

  • Brightens skin.
  • Makes skin very smooth.
  • Makes skin even, reduces pigmentation.
  • Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles to an extent.
  • Fades spots.
  • Removes any tan on the skin.

Cons of O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel:

  • Availability.
  • Price.


This is a great peel to use at home if you do not have the time and patience to get a peel done by a professional for your troubled skin. It definitely has a lot of advantages and for that I think the price is justified. Read all the pros that I’ve listed above and judge for yourself if it is worth it or not and if you need it to improve your skin. Who doesn’t love having beautiful skin?

Please feel free to ask me any questions regarding the product, I would love to answer.

Thank you for reading.

Stay beautiful!

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5 thoughts on “O3+ Kojic Acid 4% Peel Review

  1. Ravali, I am so excited to read this product review – I have some questions 🙂

    first, will it clear acne marks? I have certain reaction marks from using bleach too.
    second, where can i get this?
    third, I want to try the neutralizer available in the market, can you suggest some (brand name)?

    1. Thank you Jomol! 🙂
      Yes it will clear acne marks but that won’t happen in one peel. If the marks are light, they’d go away with one peel. For marks that have been stubbornly there for too long, you might have to use the peel a few times since this is of just 4% concentration.
      You can buy it from their website or from ebay. I got it from Kathiawar.
      I used to use the KAVI post peel neutralizer. But I started to use baking soda now because availability is an issue. 🙂

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