Oily Combination Skin, Acne Prone Skin Care Routine

How I take care of my acne –prone oily to oily-combination skin.

Ladies with skin type of mine who are blessed with oily to oily-combination acne prone skin feel it almost a curse no matter what the season is. My skin is oily in summer. Dry in winter although it tends to get oily at times even in winter. Nevertheless, it is a blessing. Because oil in the skin actually keeps it conditioned and younger for a long time in life and the emergence of fine lines take quite sometime to get hold of us as I read somewhere.

Mine is a peculiar skin. In winter it gets dry but creams don’t suit me. Even after application of cold creams although my skin still parches a lot yet, the breakouts of acne a more frequent. My skin is a typical problem skin with uneven pigmentation, occasional acne break outs(no I don’t get pimples that often). Still, if you can after all accept what you have, it makes it easier to come to meet the problem head on and tackle the situation. My dermatologist even complimented me telling me that, given the kind of problem skin that I have inherited I am doing an excellent job with my skin. Elated, for the benefit of women who have problem like mine I would like to share a few tips at random from cleansing, toning, and moisturizing and so on. So, for those who are now impatient at what I’m trying to do let my raving now take a definite locus.

Cleansing: that this is very important being a reader of IMBB you already know that. I avoid using too harsh facewashes because they tend to strip off all the moisture from my skin and my skin feels tight and parched instead of soft or supple. I use Himalaya Purifying Neem facewash twice a day. And, any other mild face-wash between. When I’m at the University I don’t always get the scope to wash my face even when it is slick with oil(I keep a travel size wash in my bag). So, I would keep some face wipes that would cleanse and moisturize at the same time.

Oily Skin Care - Cleanser
Oily Skin Care - Cleanser

Toning: you know why we use a toner. It would minimize pores and help maintain the ph balance.

Moisturizing: this is a very essential part. Yes, you read it right. Even for oily or acne prone skin people it is important. Because if your skin is stripped off all the moisture, the skin produces more oil to make up for the loss. That’s why sandalwood pack, which however is good for skin might make some oily skins more oily after its effect is subdued. I normally use Lakme Peach Milk moisturizer. It has been revamped and I find the texture a bit on the heavier side although it is of good quality (at least I feel so). These days I have opted for another skin lotion which is Himalaya Face Moisturizer (for all skin types). You can definitely try out any other as you please . Because this article is not about I’m trying to teach but just what I myself benefit from. I also use a Himalaya Night Cream , the best of what I have used till now.

In winter last year we went in a trip to Uttarakhand . It was so cold that no amount of moisturizer could stop my skin from parching up. When I tried to put on Pond’s cold cream it gave me horrible acne all over my face. Yet, my skin continued getting dry. I had to see my dermatologist. Even medicine did not cure me completely. But Himalaya Neem facepack did .it worked wonder for my skin and ever since I started trusting this brand like anything under the sun.


Sunscreen: this is the most most (ought to be underlined) important step. Do NEVER forget your high SPF +++ sunscreen even when you are indoors. The UV rays get everywhere. Its not the mere sunlight that does the trick of spoiling your skin but the radiation of the UV rays leading to pigmentation, tan and also uneven pigmentation(which I have). I use a sunscreen from the chemists shop. So, no point telling you the brand or name. but choose your own non –camadogenic , oil-free sunscreen carefully. If you have not found your Holy Grail keep looking for it and don’t hesitate to go expensive if you have to. ( Lotus has their excellent range but I’m allergic to lotus and it Darkens my skin tone, but if Lotus suits you well and good).

Weekly jobs: I try to keep my skin very clean. I’m guilty of not getting facials done by the salons. But it does immense good for oily skinned folks (I have observed). To tackle my acne situation I use Himalaya Neem face pack twice a week (sometimes three). Since it is a bit harsher, I use Himalaya Fruit pack in between.
My acne –prone skin rebels at scrubs. So, they are a strict strict no-no for me. I use a peel off in stead. Everyuth Orange Peel-off Pack and sometimes that tight cucumber peel of Face pack from Himalaya again. Since it is a very tough one I restrict the Himalaya peel off only on my nose area which takes care of my blackheads(I use it more like a blackhead strip rather than a pack).

For cleaning up my eye make-up I use pure coconut oil and then wipe off with lakme cleanser so that I don’t have to rub the area hard. Sometimes I even use coconut oil all over my face massage it for a few minutes and then wash off with a facewash. I won’t do this if I had pimple-prone skin instead of acne one. I also use a Lakme cleanser to clean away the dead cells after I have steamed my skin.

Oily Skin Care - face packs
Oily Skin Care - face packs

Last, but not the least I drink plenty of water. It keeps my body clean and hydrated.

That’s all. The ordeal is over. 😛 :* :*

50 Best Moisturisers for Oily Acne Prone Skin


44 thoughts on “Oily Combination Skin, Acne Prone Skin Care Routine

  1. You ahve a great routine……I have similar skin type & I also use Himalaya Neem face wash which I love.I’ll try the face packs u have recommended. Sound good!!

  2. OMG!!! You are my skin soul mate !! You had me at the first sentence itself when you called oily skin a blessing, because i actually, truly, deeply believe it !! We get less wrinkles ha (AND we can fry things on our heads !!) – take that you dry skinned suckers :P:P
    I have almost the exact same skin as you, and I use nearly the same routine and products ! My skin is super oily all year long, in winters , on some days its oily on some days its dry. Ponds cold cream – EW ! I had a terrible experience with it too, didn’t break me out, but it made my face even more oily ! Thats worse.
    I used to have Lakme moisturiser the peach-something-milk-something moisturiser, but stopped for winter, now i use pure almond oil (Roghan Badam) which works wonders !! It doesn’t make my skin oilier, and no break outs, and amazing radiance !!
    I recently bought the Himalaya Neem pack, i’ve used it only twice, not sure about how it works, because i’ve had that only for a week, but i like it, can’t say i LOVE it.
    Too bad your skin is averse to scrubs… cuz they do good for us oilies. As in, it takes aaway all the oil + removes dead skin + makes you look fresher.
    My weekly routine includes cleansing, scrubbing, steaming, face pack (before it was multani mitti but now its neem face pack)
    Love the article, so fun to share !!

      1. :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:

      2. :rotfl:
        scrubs are our best friends and moisturisers are urs
        dery skin drinks moisturisers…i find that so luring …to be giving nutrition to skin
        our skin run away at the sight of those grease pots 😥

  3. Hey Nivedita…..great to find one more oily…..actually, I too find scrubbing doing wonders for my skin………..if market ones are harsh for you…you can try green gram scrub at home….but anyway…great routine……..Neem face pack worked for me tooo….although I can never dare to use the peach milk moisturizer on my face….

    @Smitha….how do you use Roghan badaam as a moisturiser…..at night???????

    1. Either at night or in the day, i wash my face and then take a few drops and rub it on my face.. it works during the day for me too.

    2. Like instead of moisturizer, use Roghan badam, but just a few drops, only enough to get absorbed in the skin, too much and it’ll make your face oily.

      Jomol – Y do you u can never dare to use peach milk moisturizer ?

      1. @Smitha………..peach moisturizer old one made my skin sooooooooooooo greasy……………..however, it worked well for my mom’s dry skin….

  4. Nice one Nivedita. Same pinch Nivedita & Smita T. I too have Oily Combination skin, too oily in summers, sometimes dry & sometimes oily in winters & monsoons. Only thing is i cannot get myself to think oily skin a blessing when i notice Uneven skin tone, and white heads on my nose & chin.
    Have used Lakme before but somehow cant bring myself to buy Himalaya products….may be its the ‘not so attractive packaging part’.
    Nivedita…dont feel guilty for not getting facials done, atleast it dint suit me.I have got facial done once in my lifetime like 4/5 years back. It gave my skin break outs like hell :reallypissed: & left marks & uneven skin tone from then…& occassional acne breakouts or 1 single bigg pimple(on the same place) visit once in a while read 5to6 months.
    Never i want to get a facial done.
    Smitha, doesnt using almond oil in the day makes it sticky??

    1. Same pinch Veda. Almond oil doesn’t make it sticky,cuz i use very little. The thing is, in winters, on most days its very dry, so dry that it flakes!! If i use small amounts of almond oil, it gets absorbed and somehow gives a brilliant radiance to it, i don’t know why everyones asking me that, is it that unusual that i use almond oil in place to moisturizers ?

  5. LOL Rati
    You can’t pull my pony tails.. i use roghan badam (on IMBB’s reco) I got soft smooth silky strong hair.. my poochy tail is pull-resistable !

    1. the peel off by himalaya HURTS the skin! its pulls and hurts… this kind of tugging would make the skin loose! i had to wash it off with water rather than pulling… now i only use on nose and feet to finish it off 😛

  6. I have the same problem, very oily in summer/monsoons and combination-oily in winters, yet if I use creams, I break out. Just need to use an oil-free moisturiser at all times with just a little bit more moisturisation at night time, like a lotion or serum.

  7. Hee heee me one more oily !!!

    Only Nivedita – I would say coconut oil is great even if you do have acne prone skin – it actually reduces ur acne over time – something about coconut oil and free radicals and some such nonsense.

    I use only coconut oil as a moisturiser on my face and its doen wonders. It even helps my friend who had serious backne – also use of coconut oil reduces pimple scarring 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    I know it doesnt make sense – but coconut oil on oily skin helps alot !!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  8. Hey guys,

    This is my first post on this extremely helpful site. Believe it or not, I have spent close to four hours just reading the blogs and reviews of people who are active here. Must say, I’ve learnt a lot about the essentials of make-up and other beauty regimens! Great work everyone!! You’re truly a god-send to people (read: ME 😀 ) who are so confused about what make-up to use, where to buy them from etc.

    I need some help from all you experts out there. I have the worst facial skin possible. 😐 Trust me when I say that!!! Wish I could put up a photo of myself to prove it 😛
    Severe bout of acne has left my face red with scars and the pimples haven’t stopped. They come up at the worst time (morning of a date, a party or any important occasion)! 😐 Right now, it is not the pimples that worry me since I am being treated for it by a dermatologist. As far as scars go, the Doc says I only have to wait, for it will fade eventually. I’m 20 and go out very often with friends and family. I have faced a lot of comments from people at parties about my scars and it has affected me largely. I want to do something to lessen the pink/red-ness of my cheeks!

    Can you please suggest a good daily regimen to reduce the scars or camouflage them? I use Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne wash, Tea tree toner from Fab India and their Vitamin E day cream. The results seem promising but if anyone out there has been through this hell I’m going through, PLEASE HELP!!!! Also what type of make-up (read: foundation, concealer) would suit my skin, since I don’t want my face to appear like all caked up or look like a white ghost in photographs!

    If you have managed to read all my woes and arrived here, Thanks a ton!!! 😀

    Awaiting your replies!

  9. Hi,

    Very true that IMBB is heally helpful in choosing our skin care, hair care and make up products.
    The girls are here quite funny, witty and possess a great knowledge about beauty.
    I love too love reading their comments, jokes, pulling each others legs and their cuute small fights.
    I love reading their comments section as well.
    I suggest you try clinique acne solutions which include a foaming cleanser, clarifying lotion and oil- free moisturiser. They also have a spot correcting serum which really work wonders on the acne marks.
    Regarding your foundation I use clinique’s anti blemish foundation which is really good for the oily and combination skin.
    Usually liquid foundations broke me out but this one never did.
    The con is quite expensive but worth investing.
    If you want to go for lower end acne treatment i would suggest you VLCC acne treatment kit which includes 5 items.
    1. Facewash
    2. Acne treatment powder
    3. Acne treatment pack
    4. Anti Suntan pack
    5. Moisturiser for oily skin.
    This really clears the acne in 5 days.And its Rs415. So you can shoose your product.
    Foundation either try clinique or Mac’s studio finish.
    Good Luck and have a great day

  10. Hi…one more on the list with oily skin. Pure Neem really works for me. Just wash neem leaves and make a paste out of it in a blender adding few drops of water. Now take little bit of it and mix it with little bit of multani mitti by adding drops of rose water. Apply it on face and leave it for half an hour. Wash it off. It gives really good results and helps in reducing acne and even the scars. The best part is you can use it daily after cleansing the skin.

  11. hi frinds,
    Love to read ur replies .I also have oily and acne skin i used proactive and it did miracle but after finishing the kit the situation was same so i left it .Himalaya is good but now i am using AHA skin cleanser and i find it is working.

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