10 Remedies for Menopausal Dry Skin

Hii IMBBians,

When you hit the menopause phase, then you have to go through a number of skin and health changes in your body. Hormones change rapidly and this leads to a number of other changes. One of the major changes is that your skin becomes dry. Thus, we have listed down some of the best remedies to deal with menopausal dry skin.

Beauty woman worrying about her skin

1. Add essential oils to your moisturizer:

essential oils and medical flowers herbs

We have always advised you to add essential oils to your night cream. But, when you are dealing with menopausal dry skin, then you need that extra dose of moisturization all throughout the day. So, what you need to do is add your favorite essential oil in the best quality available to both your day and night cream. And, you will see the difference gradually in your skin.

2. Bath in lukewarm water:

Do you know that too much of hot or cold water is not good for your skin? This strips away the natural oils from your skin. So, always take bath in lukewarm water. And, if possible, add some drops of essential oil in your bath water. This will nourish your skin and moisturize it over the time.

3. Eye care:

Healthy Eyes And Vision. Portrait Of Beautiful Happy Woman Holding Heart Shaped Hands Near Eyes. Closeup Of Smiling Girl With Healthy Skin Showing Love Sign. Eyecare. High Resolution Image

This is about the skin around your eyes. Apply a good eye serum which you need to lightly pat around your eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate which needs extra moisturization and care.

4. Tablets:

Keep consuming proper vitamin tablets which your body needs. Get a full body check up done. This will ensure that your body gets the correct vitamins and minerals in which it is deficient. Also, keep consuming lots of natural sources of these vitamins. This will ensure that you are not dependent on medicines and you also have natural products in your body.

5. Water:

Happy beautiful young woman drinking water. Smiling caucasian female model holding transparent glass in her hand. Closeup. Focus on the arm

Nothing works better than water. So, keep consuming more and more water. This will ensure that your body gets the continuous dosage of hydration. And, thus, your skin will be soft and supple and also wrinkle-free which is a major concern for menopausal skin.

6. Use sunscreens:

Sun makes your skin really dry and itchy. And, when you have menopausal skin, then the effects are severe. Thus, you need to use sunscreens which have a minimum SPF of 30 and make it a point to apply it every day. Doesn’t matter you stay indoor or outdoor, just use the sunscreen and you will see the difference in your skin texture.

7. Take care when you fly:

When you fly while having menopausal dry skin, then your skin tends to turn drier because of the atmospheric stress and pressure. So, use high quality and thick creams in order to keep your skin moisturized.

8. Sugar and salt:

Sugar and salt brings harm to the heart, concept of healthy lifestyle without sugar and salt.

Try to cut down your sugar and salt intake. Sugar and salt can add taste to your food but in reality, they harm the skin. Just reduce or completely cut down sugar and salt from your diet and see the difference it makes to your skin.

9. Ban tobacco:

Smoking reduces estrogen level in your body which is the major reason why your skin turns dry, dehydrated and, not only this, but your skin starts to sag too. Thus, this is the perfect reason why you should completely ban tobacco.

10. Reduce alcohol intake:

hand reject a bottle of beer in the bar

Alcohol dehydrates your skin and entire body and not to forget, it contributes to your belly fat too. Thus, reduce your alcohol intake and see the difference in your skin.

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