Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Hey Angels,

Coloring your hair is fun and it has been in trend since so long. But treating your hair with harsh chemicals and dyes, is it a good thing to do??

No girls, that will actually damage your hair more because hair colors and dyes have billions of synthetic chemicals which are obviously not good for your hair. Some people think that the area they are coloring can be treated as deep conditioners and can be given extra attention. But that’s not true. If you are getting highlight even at a small place it is actually damaging whole your hair with the fumes it releases. But, everyone needs a change. Getting highlights and ombre is really a cool idea.

So the solution is, doing it the natural way!

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally

Yaaaaayyyyyyy… we girls have a solution for every problem. 😛

So, I am here to share a secret recipe that can be done at the comfort of your home.


• Lemon- 1
• Honey- 1 tbsp
• cinnamon powder- 1 tbsp
• Vitamin C Powder- half tbsp.

What do they do?

1. Lemon- Lemon has natural bleaching properties, either on skin or hair. Lemon naturally lightens up the tone without giving damage to hair.

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally lemon

2. Honey- Honey is a wonderful conditioner for hair. It will nourish the hair and avoid dryness.

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally honey

3. Cinnamon powder- It Actually brings out the red/ burgundy tint.

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally cinnamon

4- Vitamin C- Vitamin C is a great hair lightener. It also lightens the dyed hair if you have, or it may dye your hair again. If you cannot find Vitamin C powder you can buy Vitamin C capsules and take the powder out of it.

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally vit c

Tools you will need:

Plastic bowl, Hair pack brush, Pair of gloves, Cling Film Foil.


Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally process

Step 1: Wear Gloves.
Step 2: Damp Your Hair.
Step 3: Mix all the ingredients in a plastic bowl.
Step 4: Work on the area your want to color. Apply the paste on the places you want to color. You can do highlights, ombre etc.
Step 5: sit in the sun. Sitting in the sun can actually double the effect of coloring because sunrays naturally lighten the color of hair. Applying lemon and sitting in sun would double the effect. Sit for 45 minutes under sun.
Step 6: Alternatively, if you are doing this at night or rainy day, you can wrap your hair in a cling film foil and leave for 45 minutes.
Step 7: Shampoo and condition as usual.

**effects may vary from on different hair color and type.

Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally results

Waalllaaaahhh.. You are done. Enjoy your new hair 🙂


Hair Color: More on Hair Coloring
Hair Color: Hair Coloring Tips
How to Make Hair Color Fade Quicker
Best Hair Colours/Dyes Available
Choosing The Right Hair Color For Indian Skin Tone
Hair Color: Coloring Techniques


4 thoughts on “Simple Steps to Lighten Your Hair Naturally

  1. :O Is that your hair in the last pics?! It is SO gorgeous <3 I wanted to color my hair a burgundy/red tint and was thinking of picking up L'oreal casting creme gloss! But I think I'll give this a go first 🙂 thank you!! xo

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