Start Lifting Weights To Get Into Your Best Shape Ever!

Start Lifting Weights To Get Into The Best Shape Ever!

Hey Lovelies!!
How are ya’all?

The weather is getting so cold and making me so lazy, I just want to have the laptop under my blanket and read IMBB posts all the time!! ! 😛 How is it treating you!?
So, this is going to be a fitness post, yet again! I hope this turns out to be as motivational as my previous one. *Fingers Crossed*!!


I have often come across people, women to be precise, who believe that lifting weights would turn them into a female body builder or may be a man by the end of their workout sessions! LOL! That is not true!! I know it’s scary to see men groaning and moaning away at the gym making hate faces!! But you know what weights do to their body? :O Those six pack abs don’t come for free! 😉

There is something amazing about lifting weights as a woman; it makes you feel so much stronger, independent and Sexy!! It’s about choosing the right amount of weight; it’s not going to make you bulky whatsoever, because along with cardio your body needs strength training!! The best way to conquer the stereotype is to understand the advantages of strength training. It is going to get you in your best shape possible, in as less as a month!

The Benefits!

Gets rid of the Excess Body Fat- If it’s your weighing scale that bothers you, Throw it away!! Trust me, weight is just a number and if you ask me, Right now, I’m the heaviest I could have been, but also the smallest! When you lift, your muscle increases along with the metabolism that took a holiday from your body (the main reason for seeing no results)! 😛 This helps burn the maximum amount of calories in a day. To make it simpler, you tend to burn about 35 to 50 calories for every pound of muscle that you gain.
That’s not it…….

It helps wave Good-Bye to Depression-

Strength training is a great way to fight depression, as it makes the person working out a lot more confident and capable of doing what they once thought was impossible. Also, including cardio in your everyday workout is a great way to keep depression at bay. Could anything be better than taking a run outside with fresh air, it is considered to be better than counseling. It helps in clearing the head and gives a feeling of ease.


Wait up….there’s more! 😀

Is Arthritis, Back Pain, Diabetes, Osteoporosis or Heart Diseases refraining you?

If any of the mentioned ailments are your cause of worry, then I have some GOOD NEWS for you. Studies and Researches have found that strength training helps in enhancing the spinal bone density and bone modeling by approximately 14 percent in about six months. It is not just a great way to build stronger and leaner muscles but also helps in enhancing the joint stability and build strong connective tissues!! This indirectly reinforces the joints and is a great way to prevent injuries. With strength training, one can easily enhance how their body processes sugars which indirectly reduces the risk of diabetes!!

Need any more reasons?

It is only about feeling that you are capable and you can conquer anything in this world, those six pack abs are just a piece of cake!! *Motivation*!!

Don’t want to do it alone? Tag along a friend and break the stereotype, because by no means you are going to turn into Mohammed Ali by lifting weights…You are only going to feel much stronger and look drop dead “sexier”!! “Lift like a man, look like a goddess”

Disclaimer– By no means I’m a fitness guru! I write fitness posts based on what works for me and hope that it works for you too!

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12 thoughts on “Start Lifting Weights To Get Into Your Best Shape Ever!

    1. Yeah, cardio teamed up with weight training is the best way to get yourself as lean as possible in the shortest amount of time! 🙂 Glad you took time out to read my post! 🙂

  1. Initially when i started working out i was also apprehensive of lifting weights…but once i started doing it felt great…the soreness after weight lifting is soo amazing….a very informative post… 🙂

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