12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

We all strive to make that extra effort to look fabulous, and especially when it comes to our skin, we lust for that glowing, dewy, supple skin that is the perfect canvas for applying makeup or even to go bare. My skin still has room for improvement, but I will say that it has improved over the years and I won’t give my creams, serums and lotions all the credit. Thanks to the dietary supplements I’m consciously taking, I can see the difference.

Superfoods for gorgeous skin

Do you remember when our moms would blame our upset stomachs if we suddenly broke out? Don’t know about you, but when I was in my teens I would wonder what on earth has my stomach got to do with my zits and uneven skin tone! Well, the truth is and now that I know, that what you eat reflects on your skin. So, if you are inclined towards eating rich cheesy pizzas, fried foods and glugging down litres of aerated drinks, your skin will show tell-tale signs regardless of what you do.

Have you ever come across someone with gorgeous skin who says they don’t eat right? I haven’t. In fact, most women I know with great skin have owed it to their dietary intake and drinking literally gallons of water everyday. When we are asked to eat right, it doesn’t mean skip your favourites. It simply means have them in moderation, but increase the good stuff so that they boost your metabolism and whilst you are flushing out toxins that get accumulated over time, your skin will result in thanking you immensely by rewarding you with its natural sheen and healthy appearance.

superfoods for beautiful skin

I know there are a zillion foods out there that are absolutely wonderful for promoting astonishing skin and I wouldn’t do justice if I were to highlight some and leave some out. Listing them all would make my post endless so I thought why not let me emphasize some ‘Superfoods’ which are the most beneficial foods of today and highly advocated by people around the globe.


Now, we must have come across this term quite a bit and just to quickly reiterate what superfoods are – well they are nutritious powerhouses that are crammed with minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and polyphenols, to say the least. Not only are these rich foods vital for the overall health, but help fight chronic ailments and are highly beneficial for your skin and hair. Nutritionists and dieticians swear by them and often encourage people to incorporate into their daily diets. The best thing about them is that they are scarce in calories, yet, jam-packed with nutrients. So, you can’t really ever have enough of them.

Here’s a countdown of some of the most powerful superfoods to lay your hands on:

12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

(A) Tomatoes:

Tomatoes fall under this prestigious category due their content of a rare antioxidant called ‘lycopene’ which protects the skin against harsh UV rays. Now, we all know that sun-protected skin is a major step towards amazing skin as it evades skin ageing signs like wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation, and open pores and so on. Tomatoes are also abundant in Vitamin C which promotes healthy and brighter skin. Some people rub tomatoes on their face as an astringent or natural bleaching agent too.

(B) Blueberries:

What makes these gorgeous blue berries a superfood is the presence of phytonutrients that aid in neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are the agents that are responsible for skin ageing and cell damage. So, by eating fresh blueberries, you can combat skin impairment and keep your skin looking young and vibrant. Pop some in your yogurts and smoothies next time, especially since you know your skin will thank you immensely.

(C) Kale:

If you thought spinach was an awesome and highly nutritious green leafy vegetable, well Kale is the mother of nutritious green leafy vegetables and hence, fondly known as the ‘queen of greens’. Kale also contains a phytonutrient and not to forget high vitamin A, C and K content. It’s often compared to oranges in terms of the presence of Vitamin C and we know how great Vitamin C is for the skin. Vitamin A present in Kale helps in repairing skin tissues and any skin damage whilst Vitamin K is absolutely great for under eye dark circles. Hence, often used in many eye creams. You can have it as a salad, sautéed or crispy fried.

12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

(D) Black Beans:

These small little wonders are extremely high in protein, yet, they don’t contain any saturated fat that is normally found in meat proteins. Proteins are crucial for the skin as collagen which is the skin’s cement. So, as to say, is necessary for beautiful skin. Black beans also contain antioxidants which are great for skin protection against external and internal factors like sun, pollution and stress.

(E) Broccoli:

This contains phytonutrients and a good dose of Vitamin C as well as Folic Acid (Vitamin B9), both of which are essential for healthy glowing skin cells. Load your plates with broccoli girls as it’s super good for your skin!

(F) Salmon:

I can never get enough of this. I can eat it in any form, especially smoked and just love it! This fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are critical for the body and skin as they improve inflammation and blood circulation. It also contains the mineral Selenium which prevents cell damage and aids in anti-ageing. Also, this fish is packed with Vitamin B.

12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

(G) Oats:

Whether you consume them in your porridge, as cookies or as a savory snack, Oats are brimming with proteins, fibers, magnesium, potassium and phytonutrients. Who’d think these boring little grains are so nourishing! If you thought applying them to your face was good enough, you can eat your heart away as the fibers present in oats help in removing toxins from the body. Thus, promoting flawless skin and help in building collagen, thanks to its protein content.

(H) Oysters:

Even if you don’t find a pearl in one, just knowing that they are great for your skin is good enough. The high zinc content helps in skin renewal and skin repair. So, bye bye blemishes!

(I) Walnuts:

Crammed with Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, what more could your skin ask for. Vitamin E is skin’s best friend and is beneficial for skin repair due to the presence of antioxidants. Women all over the world crave to buy pure Vitamin E oil to smother on their face for that natural lustre and its anti-ageing properties. So, why not start eating it.

12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

(J) Kiwis:

This is by far one of my favourite fruits and I love to cut them in half and scoop out the tangy flesh with a teaspoon whilst still in its peel. Not only do they taste delicious and refreshing, but their high Vitamin C and antioxidant content are amazing for preventing fine lines and wrinkles.

(K) Dark Chocolate:

Yuuuuum! Believe it or not dark chocolate protects skin from sun induced damage and keeps your skin hydrated. And, it does not cause acne, girls! So, do keep a bar or two in your handbag. However, don’t go indulging in milk chocolates by mistake. As to reap the most benefits for your skin, the chocolate must be dark with at least 60-70 percent cocoa.

(L) Flaxseeds:

Whether in the seed form or oil form, these seeds are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids and are highly sought after these days by people all over the world. For skin care, Flaxseeds help minimize skin inflammation, skin irritation and keep your skin hydrated and smooth. The rich fatty acid content also ensures that your skin stays supple and moisturized.

I buy the seeds and then grind them in a mixer to form a paste which I just swallow with water. They are not the most delicious things to eat, but if they guarantee great skin, I’m all up for a bit of compromise in the taste department.

Other than these great foods which fall in the superfoods category, do eat a lot of other fruits, vegetables, milk/milk products and meats which are rich in nutrients and various minerals that add vitality and nourishment to your skin. And, whilst your busy munching away on them, don’t forget to make some home made natural face packs for that extra TLC for your skin.

Au revoir!

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7 thoughts on “12 Superfoods That Can Change Your Skin For Ever!

  1. Mimosa, thanks so much for this post 🙂 I absolutely love broccoli and our local supermarket has started to stack up kale, so I am gonna pick up that as well 🙂

  2. it was sooo nice meeting you today mimosa. not only you are an awesome writer, you are also an amazing person. 🙂 lovved reading the post. i do include a few in my regular diet such as oats walnuts etc but will try to include more. :)) thanks for sharing all this amazing info! 🙂

  3. Wow..that was an informative post…i love broccoli and knowing that dark chocolate helps clearing up the skin definitely helps! 😛 😀

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