How to Get Rid of Acne on Your Chest

How to Get Rid of Acne on Your Chest

I would like to start with the fact that chest and back acne (bacne) are also very similar to facial acne, and our formed pretty much like I have suggested in this need to treat chest acne in the same way as your facial acne, be mild to both! Take a look at how you can follow a regimen to get rid of chest acne..look your best in your awesome neck dresses 😀

The back and chest have thousands of sebaceous glands which produce excess oil and can lead to clogged pores. The clothes you wear (non-cotton and tight fitting) lead to trapped sweat,synthetic materials such as Lycra and Polyester especially if you work out.This leads to clogged pores mixed with the dirt and oil on the skin. In turn whiteheads and blackheads occur leading to acne on the chest.


The hair follicles on the skin lead to the build up clogging pores to lead to acne. Hence it is important to exfoliate with a loofah everyday gently and the soap you use must be an anti-bacterial one or containing salicylic acid .Choose the right soap, a medicated one that will dry out the acne formation.Everyday shower is essential to curb the bacteria formation.


Next comes scrubbing, treat the chest skin the same way as your face, scrub it off the dead cell deposits and the oil build up,be gentle or else you might aggravate the oil secretions.
After scrubbing comes the treatment,use masks made of mud or charcoal or try a mask that contains mandelic acid.masks containing tea tree oil will help as well just like they work for your face.


Submerging the skin in salt water at the beach for ten minutes would help as well as consumption and direct application of zinc helps too.

You can make your own mask with an aspirin which contains salicylic acid that acts like a peel to the skin, and which both dries out acne and reduces inflammation caused by acne. learn how to make it here.

Make your own body scrubs made of sugar to keep the dead cells away from forming clogged pores.learn how to make some scrubs at home here and here

Wear cotton or linen and choose comfortable fit rather than tight fitting clothes, cotton lets the skin breathe by evaporating the sweat and resisting the debris build up on the skin.

Eat a handful of walnuts every day to reduce skin inflammation.Drink three ltrs of water and eat more fruits and vegetables,whole grains and omega 3 foods.Saying NO to soda and limiting dairy products intake would help too.Drink 4 glasses of water еach morning. This wіӏl get rid of tһе toxins іn your body and also try and have a glass of orange juice with breakfast.change your diet well.

If you use body lotions, choose an oil free lotion. Do not use perfumes, deos or antiperspirants on the affected area.


Use a spot treatment with saliclic acid of benzoyl peroxide, on the acne once or twice a day, let your skin breathe once in a while.

If at all you need to conceal the acne, use an oil free foundation, concealer and powder for it and make sure to remove all the traces once you are done and ready to call it a day.

Picking at the acne or leading to bleeding and scarring has to be avoided at all costs.Do not touch dirty hands on the chest, wash and dry hands after food and after you touch you hair and scalp.

Try and steer clear of environs with dust, garbage, waste, chemicals, pollution, dirty clothes and unhygienic water. This should stop the cycle of pore clogging and acne in the first place.

Lastly, any regimen would take 6 weeks to work, dont lose hope and continue with the regime..adopt a healthy lifestyle and know what is best for you and your body inside out 🙂

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19 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Acne on Your Chest

  1. neha this is such a brilliant post. would have never thought of this as well. and now i realise i often ignore scrubbing on chest area. I don’t think I would repeat this mistake now. Thanks a ton!! *thankyou*

  2. This is simply superb post *thankyou* I know we often neglect things and are unawear of small small things which we should follow but we dont. Thanks for sharing

  3. Great post as always Neha di *woot* i have got bad 2-3 acne on my back *cry* *cry* going to follow these steps for sure *happy dance* perfect timing *jai ho* *jai ho* trying that faceclin gel currently *hifive*

  4. WOW! Another great post Neha….so informative and spot-on….our back and chest do get neglected coz of paucity of time. We dont bother about it as much as we do for our faces. Great post Neha!! Thankyou!

  5. At last, someone mentioned the acne and pimples on the chest. I also have them so I was thinking if the products on your face can also be used on the chest. As far as I know, the skin on the face is thinner so the products used in it may not be really effective. Thank you for sharing these tips to get rid of acne overnight.

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