Himalaya Herbals Antiseptic Cream

Himalaya Herbals Antiseptic Cream

I basically bought this medicated cream for my rashes in summer. I did not think much about this product as Himalaya herbals is an ideal ayurvedic company.

Himalaya Antiseptic cream

What Himalaya Antiseptic Cream Claims?
Antiseptic cream is a soothing cream with antibacterial and antifungal action. It is an excellent treatment for cuts, wounds, burns, rashes, sores and fungal skin infections.


The recommended treatment is to apply the cream to the affected area 2-3 times daily.



It is useful as a protection from infection in the following cases:
1. Cuts.
2. Wounds.
3. Burns.
4. Sores.
5. Eruptions.
6. Rashes.
7. Fungal infections.


Aloe vera (Barbados Aloe, Kumari) acts as an antibacterial and astringent. It accelerates the healing of injured surfaces.
Prunus amygdalus (Almond, Vatada) has been known for its astringent effect. It is proved useful in irritable sores and skin eruptions.
Vitex negundo (Five-leaved Chaste Tree, Nirgundi) oil extract has good anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties.
Rubia cordifolia (Indian Madder, Manjistha) is credited with astringent and antiseptic property. It also has antibacterial and antiallergic action.
Yashad bhasma (Zinc Calx) is useful in the treatment of a number of skin disorders. Studies have shown that it accelerates wound healing.
Tankana (Sodium Biborate) is a good astringent and antiseptic.

Price and Quantity:

Rs. 25 for 20 gm.

Shelf Life:

3 years.


My Experience with Himalaya Herbals Antiseptic Cream:

I used this cream to work out with rashes in summer. My neck is rashes prone and I applied twice a day. I found my rashes vanished with its usage. It comes in a neat standard tube which is hygiene. It moisturizes and smoothes the affected area. This cream has medicinal value with thick consistency. It has sweet fragrance with nature extracts and I found this bit sticky.
Now I use it on my cuts and burns which I get sometimes while cooking. It heals sooner and even lightens the marks.

I even insist my husband to use it for cuts he gets after shave. I have no idea on how it works with fungal infections.


Pros of Himalaya Herbals Antiseptic Cream:

• Multipurpose cream which works well on rashes, cuts and burns.
• Medicated product which contains all natural ingredients without any harmful chemicals and is sweet smelling.
• Price is pretty cheap.
• Easily available in market.

Cons of Himalaya Herbals Antiseptic Cream:

• It has sticky texture which gives oily feeling.

Rating: 4/5.

Will I Buy it Again?
Yes, sure, I will buy it again for my cuts and burns.

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