Oily/ Acne Skin Care / Vichy Normaderm Anti Imprefections

Noticing the concern of the whole IMBB community over bad skin days recently, I myself go nuts when it comes to blemishes. And a constant fighter against them, not only on my face but on a good amount of body skin.

It’s tough to admit, but I had horrible bad acne that left some blemishes, huge pores an oily T zone and blackheads if I do not scrub regularly even though I am well over 25.

Funny though, I always had these problems when I was a teenager, and I just thought that it would go after I was through my teens but well, it didn’t.

It was really bad for me to go for so long without advice, mostly because my mom never had any blemishes and my lil sis still had a baby skin, and all my school friends had too little to care whenever it came to pimples, so from a tender age I was the ‘unlucky’ one.

Every day I had to dread whether a zit would pop. If I must tell you, what made me overcome my ‘sand paper skin’ insecurities into my teens years was my dad, always reminding how beautiful I was and going out of his way to make me feel comfortable in my skin, literally.

So not allowing my then absurdly acne prone skin to let me depressed, I went out and just lived and believed that someday it would all go.

Vichy Normaderm Nuit
Vichy Normaderm Nuit

Now after a decade, and acquiring a not give a damn sort of attitude, and moreover a tag along wonderful hubby (ahem :P) I am completely comfortable with my skin and I hardly ever go out or to office with makeup on.

Anyways nothing comes without learning and I learnt that CTM (clean, tone, moisturize) regime is a must in spite of skin type and that is what have kept me pimple free for years now.

But it seems that stress, unhealthy food, night shift work and little sleep combined with lack of an not so effective sun protection also take its share, and I still get 1 or 2 breakouts on given circumstances, but they do not make me look nearly the same person I did as a teen.

And here is what I did:

To stop looking as a teen when I got to a certain age I advised myself a great anti-acne regime that I followed every night and guess what – my problems with acne and blackheads have lessened significantly.

The adult me does the following: During the day I wear my usual, weather/time of the day customized moisturizer and makeup (as I use a stronger face wash in the morning and a mild one the rest of the day) but when I come home I first take all my makeup off if I am wearing any(together with pollution and other nasty city air things), rinse my face with a face wash I use clean and clear a.m./ Kaya’s sensitive skin p/m (why you must ask, its is because I do sleep with a certain amount of products on my face so if I don’t do a ‘detox’ every morning I might end up with residues on my face the whole day) and follow up with a toner (I’ve grown to love good old Clinique clarifying lotion). After the toner dries down I treat my skin to a generous amount of Sun block if day time (currently Kaya’s one for sensitive skin that is a barely a 15 SPF and that my ever gifting husband told me to take and I only bought not to have to pay for the consultation on the clinic that btw, I am never going to visit again 😛 ) and p.m. I use Vichy Normaderm Nuit (anti imprefections) cream moisturizer and call it a night.

Every week, say Thursday, I treat my blackheads prone nose and chin with anti-blackhead or pore minimizer creams although I am still to find a satisfying one and the anti-blackheads nose strips I gave up as they never worked for me. Every Sat/Sun I indulge in a deep pore purifying mask or a clay mask (currently using Biotique’s one).
If I have any breakouts that are giving me pain or swollen I completely skip any sort of makeup till it have dried and use the brilliant Clinique’s Spot Clinique Anti-blemish Solutions Spot Healing, it has been working wonders for me.

My favorite brands when it comes to skin care was always Clinique and Vichy, but I have tried others from hearing from you girls, and find Lotus Herbals and Biotique extremely great finds. Although I have heard a lot of words for and against Vichy as such, a friend was so knee on converting me to Vichy that she even gifted me products, and from there I felt really satisfied. So much that it happened to me to hear from a Vichy SA that face pigmentation would not fade if I did not stop taking birth control pills, what was indeed confirmed by my dermatologist 😀 :P.

So girls my skin is looking great, much fairer, less breakouts and maybe a beta/beti as extra prize in sometime :P.
Jokes apart I found the outcome very agreeable (not the price though), so I got a tube of Normaderm Nuit for testing and I must say I am pleasantly surprised.

Vichy Normaderm Nuit
Vichy Normaderm Nuit

The latest from Vichy’s anti-acne products is specially formulated to work during the night, to even out your skin, regulate sebum, lighten the skin up and of course, to unclog the pores and therefore stop acne from happening.

First of all, I like the idea of night treatments, because I have really too much to do over the day. Second, Normaderm Nuit is really hydrating as opposed to all of the other acne-treatments which dry out my skin. I don’t know why cosmetic producers think that everyone with acne or two also has oily skin? I have a combination skin, with T-zone a bit oily and the rest of my face normal to dry.

Third, the cream itself really did reduce the shines on my problem areas, and after about two weeks of everyday use it also cleansed up most of my blackheads and acne. Which is just what it was supposed to do.

Now that I’m oily and acne free, I alternate Normaderm Nuit with my regular de-pigmentation night cream. I’ve been doing this for 4 months now and no acne has returned. I give the Normaderm Nuit thumbs up for it.

Pros of Vichy Normaderm Nuit

  • Really works

Cons of Vichy Normaderm Nuit

  • Being forced to pay Rs: 1800 for 50ml

Feel free to try this or customize your acne-fighting regime for ‘grown ups’ and let me know if it works!

ichy Normaderm Nuit cream moisturize


19 thoughts on “Oily/ Acne Skin Care / Vichy Normaderm Anti Imprefections

  1. Hey Deb, listing out daily routine to counter your acneprone skin is so :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: , it would benefit so many suffering from the same issue………….I am going to tell some of my friends suffering from severe acne about this….. :-))

  2. hi deb
    this was so beneficial
    paying 1800 would mean finishing the tube which is so hard for me as i jump from one product to another 🙁 🙁
    but would try to inculcate some routine

    1. Oh Neha, i know exactly what you mean 🙁 its so hard to go till finishing a bottle, and i am not constant at all myself. So much that i am going through the strict operation use it up 😀 I do not have space on my cabinets for stuff anymore, and its just insane…. I am trying to correct myself 😀 😥 😥 😥 :-(( :-(( :-(( :-((

      But i also think 1800 is a little steep but it lasts around 6 months so i am really satisfied. As this also take part as a moisturizer, so i end up saving on that 🙂
      .-= deb´s last blog ..Aint they looking great =-.

  3. Nice review Deb 😀 …I wont mind 1800 if it works..am so not fascinated by products that are very inexpensive but do absolutely nothing! Thankfully, my acne thing is almost controlled now..still got the blemishes but I am okay with time healing them 🙂 🙂

    1. Rads i also do not mind paying something that works, i just think its unfair for us consumers to always have to pay more for the label on the tube than product actually.

      I think most of these companies takes us for a ride big time and we silly 😛 keep on buying their products that are so addicting and so pretty 😀 :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: :cute: :shy: :shy:

      Its really insane for my reality as far as my opinion is concerned, to pay rs: 1800 that is almost 40 dollars and in US it costs 20. I am not rich but i do want nice things, that sometimes just make you wonder why the world is so unfair, but never unfair for my benefit 😛 O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
      .-= deb´s last blog ..Aint they looking great =-.

  4. Hi Deb…I have pimples till now and have recently had a spurt of them on my forehead and temples area. I was wondering about this Vichy cream….are you from Calcutta, and if so, where did you buy this from? I also have extremely oily skin.

  5. Hi Deb,
    Thanks for the gr8 tips!! Justa thing i wanna know…I am on birth control pills for acne…(acc to doctor it has therapeutic effects..)…I did not braek out this summer….but it was horrible in monsoons….humidity always leaves me helpless and I am back to looking like a teenager…am close to 35…(sigh!!!) and still fighting acne…like u mentioned the scars wudn’t go till i stop taking the pills…are u sure..have u tried that…???plz do let some sunshine on that..thanx..

  6. Hi Deb,

    I got this cream after reading ur review…i got it for 1350/- here in chennai…mine is not a pimple prone skin but i do hav a combinational skin with visible pores on the sides of my nose and one or two tiny breakouts when Iam PMSing which leaves scars for the next few weeks…this cream has a great texture and moisturises very well throughout the night..my face is less shiny the next morning..but it has not done anything for my blemishes or pores 😥 😥 …iv been using it for a week…will let u gals know if i find a major difference in my skin…

  7. Hey ppl out there.. It does’n suit all. I had little acne n started using the Vichy normaderm product, cleanser, toner, night cream.. But I ended up with a horrible acne in a month. My money got wasted n so my face too. Remember, Good dieting, lots of water, and medical creams will alone rescue u and nt these costly cosmetic stuff. RED ALERT WARNING!!!!

  8. Excellent review. I have started using vichy products and have found to be very useful and effective on my super sensitive, oily and acne prone skin. Unfortunately, after plenty of search, i am unable to find this NUIT version of vichy 🙁 :(. Please help me out. I stay in delhi. Can you name a few online sites from where i can purchase the same night cream.

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