How To Stop Hair Fall: Ask IMBB

Ask IMBB Gang

Shikha B. asks:


I need your suggestion on choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. Actually, I have oily skin, so my scalp is oily too, so if I don’t shampoo in 3 days, it starts looking oily. Earlier, I used to shampoo my hair on alternate days, but now I am having excess hair fall issues, its also because I travel a lot. So, I made a routine of shampooing daily without using any conditioner. I have dandruff problem in winters and I use Ayur Amla Shampoo. My hair has become frizzy now, moreover hair fall is my major concern, Help me please!

New Himalaya Herbals Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo
L’Oreal Paris Fall Repair Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo
Nyle Naturals Hair Fall Defence Shampoo
Sunsilk Hair Fall Solution Shampoo and Conditioner
Parachute Advansed Scalp Therapie For Hair Fall Control
Dr. Reddy’s Mintop Hair Fall Solution
Parachute Therapie Hair Fall Solution


9 thoughts on “How To Stop Hair Fall: Ask IMBB

  1. ok first up, start with some vitamin supplements, good old becosules work like a charm. probably some zinc or calcium supplements on alternate days could be taken to control the hair fall.. once your hairfall has reduced significantly, u can rely on just one becosule daily.

    use amla, shikekai and reetha mix as pradnya said, but make sure u oil ur hair well, coz reetha can be drying. also try applying methi paste before you wash your hair, and shampoo as usual.

    btw try using conditioner as well, since not using will dry your hair further and cause breakage.

    also just check if there is any new hormonal medication you have started. anything from medication to check pigmentation to birth control pills, all can contain hormones that affect your hair and skin. ideally you should let your doctor know of the side effects. so that you can be put on an alternate medication.

  2. Try this. It has helped me immensely.
    1. Drink juice of cucumber and amla daily. It looks difficult. But do it for a month and you will c amazing results.
    2. While travelling apply a drop of almond oil on the tips of hair. this will prevent dryness .
    3. Take vitamin supplements.
    4. Try hairomax oil. It has done me wonders. Trust me.
    5. Use the mildest of shampoos. And use a good conditioner. Fab india has good conditioners.

  3. This happened with me too a while back… N its imp to restore the essential nutrients to our hair!!
    Proper diet is very imp.
    And as supriya has said .. Medicines can have such side effects!! Even i was on hormonal medicines but now the medicine course has been completed n my hair is slowly getting healthier. for faster improvement,
    I very sincerely massage my hair with almond n coconut oil twice a week .i also tried this twice… Mix contents of a vitamin e capsule in oil n then massage… I think i had read this somewhere on imbb only! But i dont do this often… Just once a month! N homemade hair masks can do wonders too… Things Like curd, lemon, egg yolk… can be beneficial 🙂
    N stress too causes hair fall so don’t worry much your hair will b fine 🙂

  4. I have tried Lorel Arginine serum and Livon Hair Gain….both are excellent in reducing hairfall to a great extent…Loreal I wud use once a day…at present Im using Livon and tht has to be used preferably twice a day but I have seen tht once a day is good enough as well…I guess it depends on the amount of hairfall u r having….In the background u can keep takin supplements and tryin out natural treatments as well….They take their time but the effect will be more permanent…these lotions are more like quick fix temporary things…hope tht helps

  5. Hi Shika.
    Ayur shampoo makes the hair dry, infact any herbal shampoo will make the hair dry due to less chemicals in it. So it is a must to follow with conditioner. Our friends suggested many natural ways for the treatment.
    I had used Foltene Hair Rejunevator Supplements. It is very effective at initial stages of the hair fall. But its costly (Rs 2000 for 12 vials). My tricho suggested me this, and I can see the changes. I would be reviewing this sooner. But always its advisable to meet the tricho before starting any medicines.

  6. in the months of june & july due to humidity oily hair/skinned people get more problems…
    like small pimples/whitehead on scalp ,forehead, back and shoulders area.

    my skin is also oily and i m experiencing it these days. :D…

    wash your hairs alternate days with mild shampoos like Himalaya… avoid trying different chemical treatments.. i only use warm coconut oil before shampoo…

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